From the classroom

Science News Term 2 - Mrs Watson

In science this term, students in grade 3/4 have been exploring forces. They have learned that forces can come from direct contact like friction, or from non-contact forces such as gravity and magnetism. 

Students in grade 5/6 have been learning about energy. They have explored how different types of energy such as solar and wind can be transferred into the electricity that powers our homes and communities.


Art News Term 2 - Mrs McPhee

This term we have made some amazing pieces of work related to ANZAC day, National Simultaneous Storytime and Reconciliation week.

Our Mothers were treated to some creative presents that the students really enjoyed making. Grade Prep-2 have been learning about

different lines and patterns and making fish and owls. Grade 3/4 have been learning how to draw a one-point perspective aquarium and grade 

5/6 are learning how to draw one animal with four different perspectives. The photos will show you what we have been up to!


Performing Arts News Term 2 - Mrs Collins

This term in Performing Arts lessons, the students explored music through body percussion and traditional percussion instruments. From tapping out beats with feet and hands, learning to read music and exploring the tones of percussion instruments, the student in P/1/2 have enjoyed exploring and using  the new equipment donated to the school. The activities fostered team work and expression and culminated in performing in front of an audience at school assemblies. 

Physical Education News Term 2 - Mrs Mangan

This term in PE our P-2's worked on their kicking skills and completed some skill activities before beginning to have a go at small sided games involving kicking and dribbling. The second unit of work this term has been gymnastics. This has been very popular and all students are progressing well, working on refining their technique in the 6 dominant movement patterns (swing, spring, landing, rotation, statics and locomotion). This unit will continue into term 3 for our Prep - 2's.


In our 3-6 classes we have explored skills and strategies involved in invasion sports. Our 3/4's were able to play modified small sided games of Tchouke ball and European handball where they would self umpire and we had agreed rules to ensure all team members were included. 5/6's participated a SEPEP (Sport Education Physical Education Program) Thunder Hock Tournament, where each student took on a role from scorers, to coaches, to umpires. They then played a round robin in their classes over 3 weeks. The SEPEP season ended with a two hour class versus class tournament where the winners were able to take on the staff team. For the second year in a row the staff were victorious.

The 3-6 term has finished with a brief unit on gymnastics, this is an added bonus as the P-2 gym is being ran in the BER and the 3-6 students asked if they could do it too. Similarly to the P-2 the students are improving quickly and refining their skills.