Updates from the First Aid Team

Year 7 Immunisations
Monday 19th August - Year 7 HPV & Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis immunisations a link containing the consent form will be available on COMPASS approximately 1 month prior to the scheduled date of immunisations.
Student Medical Information
Now that we are halfway through the school year, it is a good time to make sure that all of your Student/s medical information is accurate and up to date. This includes checking whether medical diagnosis listed are still appropriate. Please note Asthma plans, Allergy Action plans and specific plans for Diabetes, epilepsy etc are required if your student has a diagnosis. Having accurate information ensures the health and safety of your student/s. Changes can be made via COMPASS or by emailing Tara.mantel@education.vic.gov.au
If Unwell - Stay Home
To maintain a healthy school environment, we ask that unwell students stay at home. We understand that keeping students at home can be challenging, however is crucial to reduce the spread of germs.