Term 2 Sport Recap

Over the course of Term 2, more than 220 of our students competed in interschool sport competitions for AFL, netball, basketball and cross country.
Many teams experienced success and will progress into the Southern Metropolitan Regional Finals in Term 3.
We would like to thank the students who represented the school in a positive and respectful manner. Thank you to all staff who organised, coached and assisted on these days.
A big shout out to Matilda Chaffey who competed at the State Swimming Carnival earlier in the term and to Miley Warde and Java Lauterboom who have progressed through to State Cross Country which will be held in the first week back of term 3.
Good luck to all participants in Term 3, the teams progressing to the SMR finals:
Year 7 boys AFL team
Junior girls AFL team
Intermediate boys AFL team
Intermediate girls AFL team
Year 8 girls netball team
Intermediate girls netball team
Senior girls netball team
Intermediate boys netball team