Share your story for our current students

Ann Rennie

Dear Genazzano Alumnae,


As we celebrate 135 years of “the well-loved school upon the hill”, we thought it would be timely to create a publication that celebrates the lives and careers of Genazzano women.


This publication will canvas a variety of professions, both traditional and emerging, and will be used as something of a career reference guide and inspiration for our current students. As our College theme this year is Growing in Courage and Confidence, we aim for this publication to be a celebratory book that enables our students to look ahead to their post-Gen lives with optimism and a sense of personal agency.


We are hoping to gather a large number of entries across all age groups and would really like you to be involved.


To create some cohesion we ask that you respond to the following prompts:

  1. What studies/ internships/ placements have you completed?
  2. How has your career path emerged? The importance of mentors or good advice.
  3. What are your fondest memories of Genazzano?
  4. How did your time at Gen shape your career?

Further to these, we would like you to consider how the FCJ values of faithfulness, courage and confidence, hope,  justice and gentleness have been exercised in your life since you graduated from Gen.


We require between 100 and 150 words as we do not want this to be too text-heavy, but rather informative and colourful. A small photo, preferably of you doing your job or with appropriate career props, would also be needed.


This is our initial approach to Alumnae. We know that Gen girls keep their connections, so you may have a friend whose professional life deems inclusion in this book. Please put the word out to your year level. We would be pleased to receive any feedback or ideas that you may have as we bring this project together.


Mrs Wholley, our Principal, is keen to see this book used by our older students and it may well be that you will become a point of contact for a student who would like to follow in your footsteps.


The opening chapter has been written and there will be some more formal inclusions. However, we will see how this shapes us and will be responsive to your ideas and input.


Please feel free to email the Development Office or Ann Rennie (O’Neill, 1975)