Stephanie Johnston | Alumnae Association President
Stephanie Johnston | Alumnae Association President
Dear Alumnae,
Welcome to the Term Two Genazzano Alumnae Newsletter.
Throughout this issue, we are excited to share upcoming Alumnae events, invitations and dates that you can mark in your calendar. We have some exciting events coming up next semester and would love for you to join us.
These events are a great way to reconnect with your peers and our Alumnae community.
We held our annual Alumnae Association AGM, where we discussed our objectives for the year and initiatives we will be rolling out during the second half of the year. The current office bearers of the committee were re-elected for another year and remain in their positions. Office Bearers include Stephanie Johnston (President), Caitlin Hardy (Vice President), Harriet Fulton (Secretary) and Caitlin Clackson (Treasurer).
The Alumnae Association has grown over the past year with several new members joining the committee. Our committee members come from a variety of year levels and work in different professions, bringing different ideas and perspectives. If you would like to join our committee, please reach out to me at presidentalumnae@genazzano.vic.edu.au.
The Alumnae Association Business Breakfast was held at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club on Thursday 20 June. Our speaker was alumna Kathryn Fink (class of 1983) – Director of Television – SBS. Kathryn shared her extraordinary career journey and personal insights - the room was captivated by her story. Over 90 alumnae attended, coming from a number of peer groups.
Term Two saw the return of Genazzano FCJ College co-educational Playgroup, for children aged from 0 to 4 years. The Friday morning sessions are facilitated by our Early Learning Centre staff members. If you are interested in your child attending forTerm Three, there are places still available.
Nominations are open for the 2024 Outstanding Alumna Award which will be held on Wednesday 4 September at the College. I encourage you to nominate someone you feel is worthy of this award as we have many incredible alumnae who should be acknowledged for what they have done and achieved.
Please see inside this newsletter for more details and to make a nomination for the 2024 Outstanding Alumna Award.
As always, we would love to hear about and celebrate your achievements. Please email your family news, career achievements or stories to alumnae@genazzano.vic.edu.au.
Yours Sincerely,
Stephanie Johnston | Alumnae Association President