Five Minutes with Mr de Valle

BSC Staff Member

Mr de Valle
Mr de Valle

How long have you been at the school? 

I started here in 2021, so this is my 4th year at BSC.

What is your role at the school? 

I’m a Communicate & Relate and Media Studies teacher, mostly teaching senior students, in Years 10-12. I have also been involved in running our school productions, putting together our creative writing journal, the school yearbook, and event photography of things like your senior formals and sports days. 

Do you have a favourite hobby? Could you tell us a little bit about photography? 

I’ve always loved photography and, especially in the last year, I've been very into portrait photography. I’ve been lucky enough to work with a whole range of people in the Melbourne Creative community and have picked up a couple of awards for my work, as well as having a few images featured in magazines. I also love photographing the night sky, cityscapes and creating things like star trails. 

Do you follow sport? 

I mostly follow footy and barrack for the Demons… unfortunately! I watch a bit of basketball, especially NBL, and support SE Melbourne Phoenix. I also get into watching the Olympics when they’re on, especially supporting the Boomers and the Matildas.

What’s your favourite movie/TV Show? 

Lord of the Rings! I love anything sci-fi and fantasy for pure entertainment but also really appreciate films that push boundaries and are a bit artistic or different.

What is your spirit animal and why?

Probably a labrador, eating a lot of food and being very loyal to my friends and family! 

What’s your favourite animal?

Favourite animal would probably be a wedge-tailed eagle and… and bats for some reason. Do Pokemon count? My favourite Pokemon are Gengar, Umbreon and Charizard.

What is your favourite music, artist or song?

I like rock and alternative genres. My favourite artists would be Radiohead and Muse, but it changes all the time.

What’s your favourite Radiohead album?

Probably a tie between ‘Ok Computer’ and ‘The Bends’. 

Who inspires you?

My family. I am always inspired and motivated by my wife and kids. Especially my kids, I love seeing them grow up and watching them change and develop as people every day. I'm also motivated by my students; the whole reason for doing the job – the impact you have, the knowledge you share, especially in creative stuff, is all really motivating.

What’s the coolest thing you’ve been working on this year?

Probably my photography, again. I’ve been involved with a bit if cosplay photography at conventions and was asked to speak on a panel at Oz Comic-Con this year about my photography work, so that was pretty cool. I’ve also done some photography work for entertainment venues in the city.

What was the last book you read or audiobook?

Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros, because that and The Fourth Wing were recommended to me by a student.

What was your favourite subject at school?

English, loved reading and writing especially. Media is something I got into later in life. My photography developed as a hobby while I was travelling, which then became what I studied at university. 

What would you sing at karaoke night?

Anything Disney! A Whole New World from Aladdin or You've Got a Friend in Me from Toy Story are always a lot of fun as duets!

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Chocolate or Chicken Parma; no other food groups are required.

What’s your favourite holiday destination?

Travel is one of my biggest passions and hobbies, so I have a lot. With the kids, the US because we had an awesome trip at Disneyland. For me solo, I loved Iceland and Egypt because they were so different to what I had experienced in the past.

Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

Andy Samberg from Brooklyn 99.

Do you collect anything?

Yes, lots of stuff! Vinyl records, mostly soundtracks, 4K blu-rays and DVDs. I have a lot of 3D blu-rays because I’ve loved 3D movies and photos since I was a kid. I also collect video games consoles, books, and probably any other form of media you can think of. Oh, and cameras, I have a lot of weird, quirky film cameras.

Do you have a message for students you may teach in the coming years? 

Find your passions, find what you love and use that to help motivate you with everything else. If you can find one or two things that you really care about at school and invest in those, then it makes everything else at school feel that much better and more motivating too.


Thanks, Mr de Valle! 

Interview by Zara B (Year 12)