A Message from the Principal

Mrs Pauline Long

Dear Parents and Carers,


Attendance Matters!

Last week we had a visit from Leah Jones and John O’Connor from the Catholic Schools Office to assist our school with processes for monitoring student attendance. We also spent time analysing this year's results compared to last year. The exciting news is daily Attendance Levels have improved by 25% this year.  This is amazing! Thank you to our families for valuing daily attendance. Our aim is to reach a 90% attendance level for all students.

Living Well Learning Well

I would like to bring your attention back to our Living Well Learning Well Framework by looking at the parent outline this week. Please take a moment to read this important document. Education is a partnership and we thank you for your contribution to our school community.



We have a wonderful school and it can only get better if we work together!



Keep warm and have a happy week

Pauline Long
