Stage 2 Borambola Camp

Last week the stage 2 students had a fantastic time at the Borambola camp with the other stage 2 students from Wamoon Public School and Whitton Murrami Public School. It was 2 days of fun activities such as Kayaking, Archery and BMX. A big thank you to the staff at Borambola Sport and Recreation Centre for looking after us so well and to Wamoon PS for organising such an amazing experience for us.
"The other day, year 3/4 went on a trip to Borambola. We did kayaking, archery, bmxing and obstacle course. It was so much fun, and my favourite was kayaking"
"Last week year 3 and 4 went to camp. When we got there, we sat down on this fake grass, and they told us to go in the eating area and told us all the rules. Then they told us our groups and then we went into our rooms and got everything sorted and we had lunch, then we did archery, then kayaking and had dinner. Then we did these groups and had dessert, then we went to sleep. We woke up, packed up and had breakfast then did this obstacle course and did BMX riding, then had lunch and then went home."
"At Borambola I liked doing kayaking. I got a bit wet. I was good at paddling the kayak. At night I saw a possum near my room and that night we had pasta for dinner with mousse. I played the giant connect 4 and Jenga blocks. We did an obstacle course, it was really good. We did BMX riding and archery. Miss Jeffs had a go at archery, she was good at it"
"At camp we first got to go to our cabins and then we got to go into our groups and then we went to our first activity, it was archery and some of us hit the yellow. After we went to kayaking and some of us nearly fell in. Then we went back to our cabins and some of us had a shower and we had some night activities. The next day we did an obstacle course, it was fun and then we did BMX riding and it was fun, and then we went home."
"At camp it was fun kayaking. I had lots of fun at camp. My favourite food was beef burgers."
"When we got to Borambola we talked about safety and where to go and not to go. We set up in our lodge. Our first thing we did was archery and a lady named Jac did everything with us. After archery we did kayaking, it was good except getting stuck. We did obstacle course and BMX and it was amazing"