Principal's Report

Dear families,


Despite it being an 11-week term, the time has flown, and it is hard to believe we are now halfway through the school year. Next week you will receive your child’s mid-year reports via Xuno. I am certainly enjoying reading them and seeing the progress students have made this semester. Thank you to the staff who have put so much effort into writing detailed and descriptive reports.



Ensuring our students' safety online is a top priority. As children explore the internet, it's crucial they understand the importance of cyber safety. We encourage you to talk to your child about never sharing personal information online. It's also essential to remind them to only visit websites and play games approved by you or their teachers. If your child encounters anything that makes them uncomfortable or worried online, encourage them to speak to a trusted adult immediately. 

The following resource may help you talk about online safety issues and strategies with your children including down loadable books, information sheets and videos. 

Parents | eSafety Commissioner


Wednesday 26th June is Pyjama, Milo and Pop Corn Day. Our JSC feel that this will be a great way to finish off the term. Milo and popcorn can be purchased for $2.50 via Qkr! 



On Tuesday our Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students attended the Bravehearts demonstration. The teachers and students all enjoyed the session.



Our first breakfast club for the year was held this morning. It is always a fun time watching the children sit around the table and enjoy each other’s company. A special thank you to those students who volunteered to come along and help. 


Mr Argus will be taking 4 weeks family leave at the start of term 3. His wife Emily is expecting a baby and we wish them all the best on a safe arrival. During his absence, Mrs Thorn and Mrs O'Connell will be taking his class.



At school council on Monday night, we commenced reviewing our Child Safe Policies. These policies were a result of the Betrayal of Trust Inquiry in 2012-2013

We commenced reviewing three of the overarching policies and two of the connected policies. 

They were:

  • Child Safety & Wellbeing Policy
  • Child Safety Code of Conduct Policy
  • Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures
  • Bullying Prevention Policy
  • Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy

We also looked at School Councils responsibilities in regard to the 11 Child Safe Standards which aim to:

  • Promote the safety of children
  • Prevent child abuse
  • Ensure effective processes are in place to respond to and report allegations of child abuse.


Good luck to Mia H and Jacob R (absent) who are attending Regional Cross Country tomorrow in Benalla.


Congratulations to Jack + Hunter for winning the GSBA championship Grand Final. The final was a close game, with Jack and Hunter's team winning by 2 points. Well done on a fabulous effort!


On Sunday, Rachael competed in Albury at the Flyaway Gymnastics Invitational competition. Competing in her first ever level 6 event, she placed 3rd on bars, 3rd on floor, 5th on vault and 5th on beam. Her efforts earned her the 2nd place individual All Around trophy! Rachael and her team also placed 3rd overall.



Final assembly will take place at 1.15pm on Friday 28th, June. As a result of this assembly, there will be no assembly on Monday 24th June.


Awards Presented:

  • Academic
  • Excellence
  • Citizenship
  • Terrific Teammate
  • Art
  • Science
  • Sport
  • Terrific Kids
  • Quiet Acheiver


Have a lovely weekend, 


Regards Heather