Acting Assistant Principal – Student Wellbeing 

Mr Thymon Venter

Speak Up! Stay ChatTY - Shorts Day

On Friday 21 June, Senior students at St Virgil’s College participated in the Speak Up! Stay ChatTY Shorts Day event. The purpose of the event is to bring our community together to spark more conversations about mental health and wellbeing and to stand unified in breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health and suicide.


Students were asked to ‘brave the cold… brave the conversation’. Fundraising for the event, students from all four Houses raised money by wearing funky shorts, socks, and beanies. In total, students at SVC raised $230 for Speak Up! Stay ChatTY.


Thank you to all parents/carers who assisted in getting their young men dressed up for the day, and thank you to the students who got involved.


Due to our Years 11 and 12 students being on exams during the event, a catch-up ‘shorts day’ will be organised for early Term 3. This will be another opportunity to raise funds for a great cause.