Celebrations of Learning and Community

Production Camp

Many months of busy lunchtime rehearsals have built up to our two days away from school for the best part of production, Production Camp! Last week, the cast of Mary Poppins visited Upper Plenty Convention Centre to put together our whole show for the first time. 


It was a very tiring two days as we worked incredibly hard to perfect our performance, but we had lots of laughs, developed our teamwork skills and built many new relationships with both our fellow cast members and staff.


The meals we got were delicious and we got dessert with every meal! Without a doubt, it’s the best part of production, besides show week. We look forward to showing off all our hard work in August, and hope you will all buy tickets!

From Adam & Will (Year 10)

Artvo Excursion - Year 9

This week our Year 9 Experiential students visited Artvo as part of their City Experience program. Check out some of the awesome photos below:

Pathways Expo

Year 10 students at HGC have commenced the process of making an informed decision about their next steps regarding their Senior School Pathway. With this in mind, students participated in the Year 10 Senior Pathways Expo last Tuesday during their iThrive session. This was an opportunity for students to meet classroom teachers of VCE/VCE Vocational Major subjects to gain a greater understanding of the choices available. It was a great opportunity for students who are navigating their way through the options available to them in Years 11, 12 and beyond to ask questions to clarify their understanding of the subjects offered. 

Our Inaugural Maths Extension Program 2024

This year at Hazel Glen College, some of our talented and experienced expert Math teachers is running a select-entry Maths extension program. The program runs weekly at lunchtime. Hear what some of our young, budding Mathematicians have to say:


Hi everyone! This year, I had the privilege of being a part of the first-ever Math Extension Program at Hazel Glen College! This program has helped expand my mathematical knowledge and challenged me in a multitude of ways. It urged me to think outside of the box, consider all aspects of a problem, take initiative and communicate with other like-minded mathematicians.


Also, in the short amount of time I have spent in this program, I have learned a variety of skills including the Euclidean Algorithm, Advanced Counting and a lot about Leonhard Euler. This program focuses on Year 6-8 students, each assigned with their own problem booklet and textbook based on a certain famous mathematician.


We all get to work with other students to help comprehend and solve each problem. In addition to this, we have public speakers coming to us to explain the importance of math outside of school. One of my favourite parts of this program is getting to work with other students. I’ve made so many new friends that I talk to in and outside of the program. Clearly, due to the laughter and learning that this program has created, the Maths Extension Program is a truly fantastic aspect of the school. -  Vinudi 7G


The program has challenged me by making sure I’m giving everything everything I’ve got and using my teamwork skills all the time. This program really made sure that I was trying my hardest to work on the problems.


My maths skills have gone better ever since the program because it made me learn areas I have learnt but not in depth. I have learned how to do certain areas because of this program, without it, I would have not gone into depth for these areas. 


I’m really enjoying how this program is challenging me as I always needed to be extended but this program is exactly what I needed. I’m very grateful that I have gotten into this program and it really helps with my learning. - Vinuli 6H


ONTTC Student of the Week 

The Outer Northern Trade Training Centre is a facility that is a real asset to young people in the northern community who are keen to follow trade pathways. Some of our Hazel Glen College students attend ONTTC as part of their studies.

We are very proud to share that last week, Jaxon in Year 10 was awarded ONTTC’s student of the week. This award highlights the effort and commitment the recipient has put in over multiple weeks. They consistently follow ONTTC’s values of attending with a Positive Attitude, displaying Responsibility while there and being very Respectful. All these values contribute to Employability skills which will best prepare them for the workplace. Congratulations, Jaxon!


NAIDOC Week 2024

NAIDOC Week falls during the Term 2-3 School Holidays. The theme for this year is: Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud.


National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year (Sunday to Sunday), to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.