Senior School

The 2024 Service Quiz Night
Saturday 29 June at The Farrall Centre | 6.30pm for 7pm start
The Senior Stewardship Committee and Staff Service Coordinators warmly invite you to the 2024 Service Quiz Night:
The night will include the special guest quiz master John Xintalevonis, a selection of food throughout the evening, drinks to purchase, captivating questions, high class entertainment and an assortment of irresistible items to win or bid for.
All proceeds will be donated to Friends of Refugee Communities Tasmania (FORCT). So, why not come along and make a difference, all whilst enjoying a spectacular night? Gather some friends and make up a table.
To book a seat or a table please click here.
Careers and Pathways Newsletter
The latest edition of the Careers & Pathways Newsletter is out now.
Features include:
- Uni of Melb Prerequisites
- UTAS Marine Science
- Applying to UAC
- Applying to UTS
- UTAS Open Days
- Uni of Sydney Info Sessions
- Apply to NIDA
- Job Interview (tips)
French and Spanish Celebration Day
Wednesday 19 June
There will be a francophone v. hispanic soccer game on the Bottom Green at recess. French, Spanish and Argentinian food will be served at lunch time in the undercover area near the Weetbix (cash and card accepted).
Indoor Volleyball Schools Cup
Thursday 20 June
Years 9 and 10 students who have signed up for Volleyball will be competing in the Indoor Volleyball Schools Cup tournament to be held at the Kingborough Sports Centre. Students will travel by school bus to and from the venue, leaving Carr St at 8.30am and returning at 3pm. Team members have been sent an Operoo permission form and an information letter with further details.
SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY - Shorts Day
Friday 21 June
The Senior School Council invites students to participate in SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY’s Shorts Day.
There will be a range of activities students can participate in:
- Wear shorts of any variety with your school uniform on your top half.
- Sunrise Walk - Brave the cold and walk from the Senior School to the Domain. On arrival back at school, enjoy a warm breakfast
- Purchase a treat from the bake sale at recess time
- Join in with the fun activities at recess and in Long Tutor.
- Speak to Mitch McPherson, founder of SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY, when he visits the school at recess time
Students are required to sign up for the sunrise walk and breakfast, a link can be found here. Parents/ guardians will be asked to complete an Operoo form prior to the event.
Any questions please email Aaron Davey or Amy Harris
Remote Op Shop Project
The Friends’ Senior School is proud to be supporting the Remote Op Shop Project for the next few weeks. Students can donate clothes to remote indigenous communities to create a circular economy: we will be donating to the Maningrida Women's Centre. Donations will be collected in the Senior School Library for two weeks (Friday 14 to Friday 28 June). There will also be a bake sale on Friday 14 June. Money raised will cover the shipping costs of the clothes. The Women’s Centre asks for the following types of items to be donated:
- All bed linen (sheets, pillow case, doona covers)
- Towels
- Kids clothes
- Women’s dresses
- Skirts
- Blank t-shirts (plain no labels on the front)
- Men’s shorts, pants, shirts
- Fabric
- Lightweight closed in shoes (runners ideal - used for hunting and fishing on rocks-leather no good)
It is important that all clothes are not stained or ripped, they must be of selling quality or they are of no use to the community.
For more information please contact Karina Churchill
Zonta International Fundraiser
Zonta International is an organisation which is very passionate about improving the lives of women and girls around the world. A key part of their work is concerned with climate change and how it affects women and girls. They combat this by educating and employing women as educators on climate activism all around the world. Zonta’s services in Hobart include sewing breast care cushions for women undergoing surgery for breast cancer, girls' education, especially for girls unable to live at home who want to continue their college education, putting together birth packages to supply disadvantaged women with access to hygienic materials for safe births and aiding women who seek help to escape from domestic violence.
Unwin 8 Tutor Group will be holding a fundraiser bake sale held in the Open Gym on Tuesday 18 June at recess/lunch. Money raised will go towards buying supplies for and assembling birth packages which will be distributed to women who do not have access to hygienic birthing spaces. Students and staff from the Senior School will then be invited to participate in an Assembly day to support direct involvement.
Elevate Education Webinar
Wednesday 19 June 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Elevate works with our students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series, you’ll learn how you can help support your child at home by reinforcing the skills they’re learning at school.
Live Parent Q and A: Ask Me Anything
If no questions spring to mind, why not ask your child whether they have any?
These prompts could be a good place to start:
- Is there anything about exams you’re worried about in particular?
- What would make you feel more supported in your studying?
- Do you have any questions about what you can expect over the coming months?
Click here to register for free
Senior School Office
Please note that the School Office contact details for Years 9 to 12 are as follows:
Phone: 6210 2255
Important Dates
Term 2 Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July
Term 3 Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27 September
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar