Middle School

SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY Shorts Day
Friday 21 June
All Middle School students (and staff) are invited to wear shorts on Friday 21 June with their sports or formal uniform with a gold coin donation.
Year 7 - SEL Program - Inside Out 2
Wednesday 19 June - All Year 7 classes
As part of our SEL program (Social Emotional Learning), Year 7 students and their Key Teachers will be going to a screening of Inside Out 2 at the State Cinema on Wednesday 19 June at 10.30am. Students will have an early recess from 9.40 - 10am.
Year 7 will walk to the State Cinema in class groups, with additional staff accompanying them. The screening takes place from 10.30am - 12.10pm. Students and staff will return to School by approximately 12.30pm.
Year 7 Orienteering Days
Year 7 Mott and Walker - Friday 14 June
Start 8.30am | End 3.30pm
Drop off and pick up from Bell Street Oval
Students will participate in Wheel and Circuit Orienteering. Students will be taught the necessary skills in topographical map reading and navigation and work in small groups to safely succeed in these activities. The orienteering program will be based between Risdon Brook Dam and Mt Direction and will include on and off tracks over hilly, rocky terrain in mainly light bush.
Student Clothing
This is a plain clothes day. Students need to be prepared for all weather conditions and have appropriate comfortable footwear to be running around in. Students must have the items listed below to cope with Tasmania’s variable conditions.
Personal Gear List
* Items with a star may be borrowed on the morning of the trip
· *Daypack (school backpack is acceptable) lined with a garbage bag to waterproof it
· *Raincoat with attached hood
· *Sun hat and sunscreen
· *Fleece or woollen jumper
· *Woollen gloves and beanie
· Strong sneakers or boots
· Personal medications
· A substantial morning tea and lunch (no nuts please)
· Filled water bottle (1L minimum)
Students will be transported by bus from school to the Orienteering Circuit and will return to school prior to the end of the school day. All students will be dismissed from the Middle School Campus unless arrangements have been made with the Middle School Office at least the day prior to the excursion.
Year 7 Connections - Recreation for Life Day
- Year 7 Fry and Penn - Friday 14 June
- Year 7 Backhouse and Oats - Friday 21 June
- Year 7 Mott and Walker - Friday 28 June
Start 8.30am | End 3.30pm
Drop off and collection from Middle School Campus
For our Recreation for Life Connections Day, students will be participating in some introductory sports sessions. These include:
- Wheelchair Basketball - Clarence Sports Stadium / Swisherr
- Ninja Warrior Course - Eastside Activity Centre (Rokeby)
- Rock It Climbing (Bathurst Street)
All students will need to wear their Sports uniform (no jewellery) and ensure that they are wearing appropriate footwear for sports participation. Additionally, they will need a packed recess and lunch, a large drink, a bucket hat and a warm top. Students who require medication for any medical condition, including asthma and allergies, are reminded to bring this with them.
Students will be transported by bus from school to the various venues and will return to school prior to the end of the school day. All students will be dismissed from the Middle School Campus at the end of the day unless arrangements have been made with the Middle School Office at least the day prior to the excursion.
Festival of Voices, Years 5/6 Choir - Concert & Tickets
Tuesday 2 July
All Year 5 and 6 Choir students and all Year 7 Choir students will be performing in the Young Tasmania Sings Concert during the Festival of Voices Festival. This is a ticketed event at The Federation Concert Hall. Don't put off purchasing your tickets as the concert has sold out in previous years.
Please note that The Friends' School Year 5, 6, and 7 Choirs are performing at the TUESDAY 2 July Concert at 7pm and NOT at the concert on Wednesday 3 July.
Purchase tickets here.
Middle School Office
Phone: 6210 2235
Email: middleschooloffice@friends.tas.edu.au
Important Dates
Term 2 Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July
Term 3 Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27 September
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar