Primary School

Our next assembly will take place on Monday 17 June in The Farrall Centre commencing at 2.15pm. We welcome families to attend. Families are also invited for a coffee or tea in The Farrall Centre Foyer after the Assembly from 2.45pm. Please remember that due to privacy concerns and to respect the photo permission choices of other families we ask you to refrain from taking photos and videos during assemblies.
Years 5 and 6 - Aladdin JR. Performance
Thursday 20 June
On Thursday 20 June, Years 5 and 6 students will be travelling to The Playhouse Theatre to view the Senior School Musical - Aladdin JR. Students will depart school by bus at 12.30pm and return by 2.45pm.
Parent Information Session: Understanding and Supporting Anxiety in Young People
Thursday 27 June (5.30pm) and Friday 28 June (9am)
We invite all parents and carers of Friends’ Early Learning and Primary School children to join Morgan Norris, our Primary School Psychologist, and other members of staff to explore and understand anxiety in young people. This parent information session will explore the types of anxiety in childhood, ranging from perfectionism and separation fears to general worries about the world. This session is designed for all parents, not just those who already recognise anxiety in their children. You will learn to identify when anxiety becomes a problem and gain basic strategies to support your child when they feel anxious or overwhelmed.
Please register your interest here.
Please note: This information session aims to provide general information regarding anxiety. We will not be able to provide individual management strategies for your child, however we can advise you of the next steps to take if you are seeking support or further information.
JSSATIS Cross Country
Thursday 20 June - NEW DATE
The JSSATIS Cross Country will now be held on THURSDAY 20 June at Rokeby Police Academy. Selected students from Year 3-6 will travel by bus leaving school at 10.30am and returning by 2.45pm. Any enquiries please contact Lisa Di Venuto.
Year 4 - Outdoor Education Excursion to Risdon Brook Dam
Friday 21 June
Year 4 students will be going on an Outdoor Education excursion to Risdon Brook Dam where they will participate in a number of bushcraft activities. We will depart school at 9am and return by approximately 3pm. Students should wear sports uniform on this day, and will need to bring a warm jumper, their school jacket, beanie and a raincoat as it could be very cold. As we will be away from school for most of the day, students will need to bring a large packed lunch, snacks and drink. No lunch orders on this day. Personal medications such as asthma puffers will be needed also. Please ensure Operoo details are up to date.
This activity will involve small groups of students and, as such, we will need a number of parent/guardian volunteers to help on the day. If you are able to assist us with this activity could you please email the classroom teacher by Friday 14 June. Our volunteers will require a current Working With Vulnerable People card. You will also need to have completed a volunteer form at this link. We thank you for your assistance with this, and appreciate any helpers who are able to be involved.
Festival of Voices, Years 5/6 Choir - Concert
Tuesday 2 July
All Year 5 and 6 Choir students and all Year 7 Choir students will be performing in the Young Tasmania Sings Concert, Tuesday 2 July during the Festival of Voices Festival. This is a ticketed event at The Federation Concert Hall. Don't put off purchasing your tickets as the concert has sold out in previous years.
Please note that The Friends' School Year 5, 6, and 7 Choirs are performing at the TUESDAY 2 July Concert at 7pm and NOT at the concert on Wednesday 3 July.
Purchase your Choir Concert tickets here.
Primary All Schools Cross Country
Tuesday 18 June
The Primary All Schools Cross Country will be held on Tuesday 18 June at Symmons Plains Raceway. The bus leaves school promptly at 7.30am and will be back by approximately 4.30pm. Lisa Di Venuto and three other staff members will be accompanying the team. An email will be sent to the families of selected students with detailed information.
Year 2 - Managing Waste Materials and Beach Detectives Excursion
Tuesday 25 June
Year 2 will embark on a unique learning journey to the Mornington Park Waste Transfer Station and Bellerive Beach on Tuesday 25 June. This excursion, part of our inquiry into Sharing the Planet, aims to familiarise the children with the various materials the resource centres recycle, the impact of our use of materials on the environment, and our responsibility when disposing of waste. We will leave the school by bus at 9am and return to school at 2.30pm. As part of this experience, students may bring $2.00 to spend at the Mornington Tip Shop. The purchased item/s will be used in a recycling project back in the classroom. We hope the students’ interest in refusing, reducing, reusing, repurposing and recycling will be provoked.
At Bellerive Beach, students will examine the current human impact on our coast line by undertaking a beach cleanup and subsequent survey back in the classroom. Students need to come dressed in their sports uniforms, including a warm jacket, beanie, and waterproof raincoat. They should bring a big lunch and lots of snacks, a full water bottle and any required personal medications (labelled) for the day, as well as a strong plastic bag in their school bags. Please update student Operoo profiles before the excursion. If you are interested in joining us for the excursion (we are able to have three additional adults per class) please email the classroom teacher. Our volunteers will require a current Working With Vulnerable People card and to have completed a volunteer form at this link.
Year 5 Outdoor Education Excursion - The Lea Scout Centre
Tuesday 25 June
On Tuesday 25 June, as part of our Outdoor Education program, all Year 5 students will be visiting The Lea Scout Centre. Our focus is on teaching resilience that is built from empathy, mindfulness and gratitude and is about adapting to change, managing disappointment, overcoming obstacles and setbacks and overcoming adversity. The students will work through various bush skills that will help them in future outdoor adventures. Outdoor Education teacher Emily Ardas will be accompanying the students along with the classroom teachers and other support staff. Students will need to wear warm suitable clothing, bring an extra jumper (E.g fleece, not cotton), beanie, gloves, hat, waterproof raincoat, keep cup for a milo, lunch, snacks and water bottle. No lunch orders on this day. We will be leaving school at 9.00am and returning at about 3.00pm.
Environment Council - Waste Free Lunch Day
Wednesday 26 June
In Term 1 the Environment Council promoted a Waste Free Lunch Day to launch a discussion in the Primary School around the impact of litter in our environment. It was a great success with many students making the effort to limit the amount of packaging they brought to school. Our next Waste Free Lunch Day will be in Week 9 on Wednesday 26 June. Let’s build on the success of Term 1’s event by keeping waste out of our school. On this day we are encouraging students to avoid bringing rubbish to school in their lunch boxes. Any non-compostable rubbish that is brought to school will be collected and weighed. We will compare the results from this term with those of Term 1 to examine the impact we can achieve.
Physical Education lessons for Year 5 and 6
Monday 3 June - Wednesday 3 July
During PE lessons in Weeks 6 - 10, all students in Year 5 and 6 will travel by bus to Kingborough Gymnastics Centre for gymnastics sessions. The bus will leave school at 12pm on their PE day and return by 2pm.
The dates are as follows:
- Year 5: Mondays 17 and 24 June and 1 July
- Year 6: Wednesdays 19 and 26 June and 3 July
Any enquiries please contact Lisa Di Venuto.
Kindergarten Earthcare Days Term 2 - Lenah Valley
Thursday 20 and Thursday 27 June
The Kindergarten children will continue visiting a site near Lenah Valley’s Linear Park for their Earthcare Days on Thursdays20 and 27 June. We will leave by bus at 11.50am and return by 2.45pm. Collection time for all children will be at 3pm from the Kindergarten area, at the end of the Kindergarten day as per usual.
On Earthcare days, the children come ready for active learning, in their sports uniform. Your child will need appropriate warm clothing for the forecasted weather and spare clothing packed for the excursions as we will be playing outdoors, even if it is raining. The school has special wet weather jackets and overpants that the children will wear as necessary, depending on the forecasted weather. You can also support your child by encouraging them to carry their own bags to and from school - they will be doing this independently on our Earthcare Days too. Please contact the Kindergarten team if you have any questions.
If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Primary School Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.
Important Dates
Term 2 Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July
Term 3 Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27 September
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar