From the 5/6 Classrooms

It has been another busy couple of weeks in the 5/6 cohort with lots of learning and interesting things happening. Some of the Leadership Pillars have been working with students from Boroondara Pre School, creating and participating in activities in preparation for them starting school next year.  In Literacy we have been working hard on our Historical Narratives in preparation for the Expo and in Mathematics we have been investigating Cartesian Planes. 


                                                              Boroondara Kinder Visit

Some of our students from the Art, STEM and Health Pillars have been lucky enough to spend a couple of Wednesday mornings with the students from Boroondara Pre School. This has not only been a wonderful opportunity for the kinder kids to experience a small taste of life at primary school, but also a fantastic way for our Grade 6 students to demonstrate their leadership skills. Much fun was had creating mini echidnas for the kinder kids to take home, and some future scientists were identified when our STEM pillar helped them code the Beebot robots. Finally, our Health pillar devised a series of fun and engaging activities to promote health and wellbeing. We look forward to seeing some of the students start with us in Foundation next year.



The Cartesian Constellations Activity involves students from Grade 6 practising using coordinates to describe positions on the Cartesian coordinate system to map stars and constellations. Students created their own grid system over an existing star map and recognised the coordinates of each star and constellation. To find the exact coordinates of stars, students needed to measure the distance between stars and their nearest gridlines. Next, students selected their favourite constellations and used these to explore translations by adding or subtracting from the coordinates to notice how shapes ‘slide’ along the path that matches the lines between corresponding points. 



This term we have been working extremely hard on creating Historical Narratives based on a significant person in Australian History. Students began by researching their famous person and understanding why and how they played a significant role in Australian History. From there they began to develop their Historical Narrative, weaving elements of fiction and non-fiction to create an engaging piece of text that draws the reader into the life of their person. This week we are working on final edits before publishing and creating our final copies. We can't wait to share them with you at the Expo. 


Historical Narratives in Progress (edits, rewrites, final drafts)


It was wonderful to see so many families attend parent teacher interviews to discuss the progress of our students. We look forward to seeing you all again at the Expo! 


Regards from the 5/6 Teaching Team.