Team Foundation News

The Changing World - Term 2
During this term’s inquiry unit, we have been learning about how things in our world are constantly changing and that changes occur all around us.
One of our Essential Questions for this unit is, ‘How do living things change to survive?’ In order to answer this question, we further investigated what plants need to grow and survive. We discussed the plant life cycle and learnt about the stages of plant life including seed germination, seedling formation, growth and development of the seed. This investigation led us to planting broad bean seeds in the classroom.
Each student had the opportunity to plant a broad bean seed, covered in soil in a clear zip lock bag so we could easily observe the growth of the bean. As a group, we chose a broad bean seed to plant, added water and mixed the water and soil together to ensure the broad bean seed was ready to grow. Broad beans need access to sunlight so we decided to position our seeds along the FKJ classroom window ledge.
Each week, students observed the growth of their broad bean seed and discussed the results. Students described and drew what they could see and measured the length of the broad bean using Unifix Blocks. As a reflection, students compare their observations and asked questions around the differences in the growth of the broad beans.
The FKJ students have also been very busy completing their end of term, Rich Assessment Task (RAT). For the Term Two RAT, students shared a photo of their home garden during Week 6 Share Time. After they shared this photo, students then created a picture collage of this image. They used colour paper, sequins, coloured patty pans, cellophane and natural materials to make this collage. Afterwards the students used their five human senses to describe what they could see, hear, feel, smell and taste in their home garden. Students took a photo of their collage and made a voice recording into an iPad app, called Book Creator. They listened to this voice recording to help them to write short sentences to describe their garden using their five human senses.
FKJ students are looking forward to sharing this learning with their families at the Term 2 Expo. We are certain that you will all be amazed at what they have achieved this term!
Echi Echidna Term 2
Week 8 Echi Adventures - Rosha
In Week 8 Rosha took Echi home and had so many exciting adventures together! Rosha and Echi went on a long car journey to Warrnambool. While in this lovely seaside town, Rosha and Echi played in a park, visited a shop, they also met a sweet little dog who wanted to be Echi's friend. This friendly dog liked Echi so much, he tried to jump into Rosha's car to go home to Melbourne! When they came back from their holiday, Rosha and Echi were very tired. They both crawled into bed and fell fast sleep. Well done Rosha for sharing these lovely adventures with Echi! We all enjoyed listening to you share the fun times that you had with our furry friend. Great job!
Week 10 Echi Adventures - Rayan
In Week 10 Echi went home with Rayan. Rayan and Echi enjoyed spending time with one another. Rayan discovered that Echi loves to eat spaghetti! The two shared a big bowl of spaghetti that was covered in tomato sauce. Yummy! Rayan told FKJ that they had fun playing hide and seek. Echi was very clever at hiding in small spaces! The two had so much fun playing together that they slept soundly in Rayan's cosy bed. Did you know that Echi snores when he is asleep! Zzzzzzzzz!
Thank you so much Rayan for taking care of Echi so well. He really enjoyed spending time with your family and had lots of fun with you! FKJ thoroughly enjoyed listening to your adventures. Great job!
Thank you to Rosha and Rayan's parents for their support in organising these adventures!
That is the conclusion of the Echi Echidna Adventures program! Thanks again for all of the wonderful adventures that were shared in Terms 1 and 2! In Terms 3 and 4, FKJ students will be taking part in the Foundation Stars program, another exciting opportunity to verbally share their lives with their classmates! Information about this program will be sent home early Term 3.
Have a wonderful holiday and we will look forward to seeing you all back, ready to learn and have fun in Term 3!