School Council Community Engagement Team 

Family Movie event - 16 June


It was a wonderful turn out of families on Sunday 16 June at Palace Cinemas, Balwyn for a private screening of Inside Out 2. The theatre was filled with smiling children and the smell of popcorn. Before the lights dimmed and the movie started, members of the BPPS School Council and Community Engagement Sub Committee handed out lucky seat prizes and costumes prizes.

Prizes were donated by Manningham Pharmacy, One Thai restaurant, Palace Cinemas, Boroondara Martial Arts centre, Fireball Tennis, FlipOut, the office of MP Jess Wilson and Bounce. Thanks to all of these businesses and to the school council members who added chocolates to the prize pool.

The movie followed Riley in her teenage years, encountering new emotions and navigating friendships at a hockey camp. There were lots of giggles from the kids but there were also lots of knowing groans from the adults when Riley got her first teenage burst of rage and was sarcastic to her parents. Not sure whether it's remembering what they were like as teenagers or what they have to look forward to.

All of the tickets for this event sold out and given the positive feedback we hope to hold another movie event in the future.



Coffee Club - 19 June 


It was a cold morning but the sun was shining for our first Coffee Club last week.  School Council was joined by about 30 parents and carers for a coffee to kickstart the day.  Nadia and Carmen did an amazing job as our baristas and are looking forward to serving the next round of coffees.  


They will be back behind the machine on Wednesday 17th July which is our first week back in Term 3.  As well as having a chat and a coffee, assistance is available for registration with Their Care, our before and after school care program, WWCC or any other school administration queries you may have.

Save the dates:


Coffee Club Wednesday 17th July 8.45-9.30am


Coffee Club Wednesday 14th August 8.45-9.30am


Father's Day Breakfast Friday 30th August 7.30-8.30am