
Watch this space...
Please contact me if you would like to volunteer at the Book Fair.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge 2024
The Challenge is still on and closes on 6th September 2024.
Challenge yourself over the school holidays and log in here to register your books online. Premiers' Reading Challenge | (
Can't find a book? Try here Premiers' Reading Challenge book list for 2024 | (
Congratulations to Ramona S (6LK), Sophie G (6HR), Leonardo L (5CE), Ruby L (1PT) and Bella L (FKJ), Evelyn L (5SB), Elizabeth S (6LK) Neive C (6HR), Henry L (5CE), Colin C (4JX), Baron N (4JX) Ayesha K (3AT), Darcy K (2LP) for completing the Challenge this term.
Please contact your classroom teacher or me for your LOGIN and PASSWORD.
We have a great range of books and resources in the library to celebrate the NAIDOC (National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee) week.
Find them on our shelves to borrow and enjoy over the school holidays.
Guess how many PICTURE BOOKS are in the library and pop your answer in the box to win 500 house points.
Please return your overdue books before the end of the term and borrow new ones for the break.
There are plenty of fantastic school holiday activities to do nearby in Boroondara.
School holiday activities ( Boroondara Libraries Events - 50 Upcoming Activities and Tickets | Eventbrite
Visit the State Library and find many fun and interesting things to do in Melbourne.
Schools programs | State Library Victoria (
School holidays events and activities - What's On Melbourne
Thank you very much again to the Weingartner family for your generous collection of books for our library!