Visual Art

Can you help? - Resources Needed!!!
Do you still read a hard copy newspaper or do you know someone who does?? We desperately need newspapers in the art room, they are an incredibly valuable resource.
There is a tub outside the art room office door for donations. Thanks in advance.
Also looking for donation of small and very small medicine sized boxes and containers for a Grade 5 and 6 project. Tub also outside art room office.
Do you have old towels that you don't need any more cluttering up your cupboards? If you are inspired to have a clean out over the holidays we would love your donations. Tub outside the art room office.
What's been happening in Visual Art this week........
There has been so much to celebrate in the art room over the past couple of weeks. Grade 5 and 6 have finished their Ken Done inspired landscapes and they are amazing. Please drop by and see them being proudly displayed in the corridors and library.
Here are some examples
Grades 3 and 4 have completed their 'Tribal Mask' collagraph rubbings and embellished their base plates to create terrifyingly wonderful masks. Come and see them if you dare!
Grade 1 and 2 having been creating a paper sculptures and learning how to join paper using the flange technique, and other paper sculpture techniques such as curling, fringing, concertina folding and many more. This 'Paper City' installation is in the art room if you would come in and check it out.
Foundation students have been investigating making textures in on clay. They started with a clay ball and used a rolling pin to create a circular shape. They then used clay stamps, tools and natural objects such as shells to create interesting patterns and textures on the clay.
Artists of the Week
Congratulations to the following students for outstanding effort in Visual Art over the past couple of weeks. Rosha in FKJ for her terrific pattern and texture work on her clay disc. Isabella and Amelia in 4JK for their terrific design skills when making their fabulous tribal masks. These students have demonstrated wonderful attention to detail and design skills when completing their art projects. Bravo.