Years F-6 Coordinator

Bailey Kemp 

F-6 Key Dates


Mon-Fri17-21stYr 5-6 Urban Camp
Mon24thPyjama Day!

House Athletics

Last Day of Term 2


Mon15thTerm 3 Begins
Thurs15thCalder Athletics (F-6)
Fri20thLast Day Of Term 3 (2.30pm Finish)

5/6 Urban Camp

Urban Camp is almost here, just four more sleeps! All attending students were sent home with an information pack last week. A reminder to please have a look through and familiarise yourself with this information. This will help prepare the students and yourself for the upcoming camp. If you have any further questions, please make contact via the office. 

Breakfast Club

Just a reminder that Breakfast Club is open in the canteen on Wednesday and Friday mornings before school with Danielle. Breakfast Club helps ensure we can learn and play to our full potential with full tummies. They have on offer fruit, toast, cereal (jaffles on Fridays) and milos. 

Naming Clothes

Please name all clothing clearly as it helps us reunite missing items to its owner.  We generally get a good collection of lunch containers – names on these are also useful.

Second Hand Uniform Shop

The cooler months have well and truly arrived. Now is a great time to check if you child/ren are in need of any winter school uniform. The Second Hand School Uniform Shop is available for all families to access! The shop is stocked with pre-loved clothes from students that have mostly ‘grown out of’ but still have plenty of life left in them. All items of uniform are available, eg; shirts and jumpers, shorts and pants, dresses, school bags and even some shoes. Each item is only $2.00. To make a donation of clothing or to purchase please contact the office.

Around the Classroom