Year 1

Minibeast Dress Up Day

What a wonderful way to cap off and celebrate all our learning about Minibeasts!

We started the day last Monday with a Minibeast disco in the Hall, followed by a scavenger hunt around the school. There were so many minibeasts on the loose and we had to find them! After recess, we participated in some art and craft and made some 'minibeast' themed biscuits. To top off the day, we paraded into the Stadium to the ‘Ants go Marching’ and performed the 'Millipede March' at Assembly for the school! Some of the Year 1 students even shared what they had learnt this term throughout this term.

It was wonderful to see all the children come dressed up on the day and the many amazing costumes on display, many being DIY. It really was a terrific day and we hope all the children went home buzzing with lots of stories. But we also think there may be many little minibeasts who may have had an early night ... there sure were some teachers we know of, that might have had an early bed time too.Also it was AMAZING to see so many Year 1 families there at our whole school assembly today! The children were so excited knowing that there was so many familiar faces there to support them and cheer them on for their special parade and performance. 

Highlights from the day:

“Have the disco and dancing in the stadium”   Zoe 1M

“Making cookies because I got to eat them and they were very tasty”   Seth 1M

“Making the cookies because they are yummy”   Eve 1M 

“Scavenger Hunt because I get to find stuff”   Jackson 1M

“Making the cookies and doing the march in front of my mum”   Lizzy 1M

“Making cookies and assembly”   Adrian 1M

“Scavenger Hunt because we got to run out by ourselves and we had our own map”   Cody 1P

“When we made the cookies because there was lots of treats on it”   Emilia 1P

“I think it was because I could have so much freedom and dress up”   Sage 1P

“Making the biscuits because they were yummy”   Isaiah 1P

“Cookies because it was fun to decorate and it was yummy to eat”   Myra 1P

“Assembly we could walk around”   William 1EP

“The Scavenger Hunt because we get to find things “   Alex 1EP

“The cookies because I liked eating it”   Aubrey 1EP

“When we have the Scavenger Hunt because we got o find lots of different things”   Alice 1EP

“Acting as the stink bug”   Sam 1EP

“We made the cookies”   Anika 1WG

“Eat the cookies”   Luke 1WG

“Making the cookies”   Sophia 1WG

“Having the cookies because they are yummy”   Frankie 1WG