Principal's Report

Dear EHPS Parents and Carers,

Farewell Ina

Today, Ina Kuehlich, our Assistant Principal for the past 17 years, is retiring. Ina joined our school in 2007 and has been an invaluable asset to the school. In that time, she has led the development of curriculum, championed student wellbeing and inclusion, and has on numerous occasions been Acting Principal.

Ina started teaching in 1997 in Canberra and then moved to Victoria. She worked in a range of schools as well as leading a Science Project for the Department of Education. 

Ina has always been a role model and mentor for both staff and students. 

I am sure that you will join me in thanking Ina for her significant contribution to Essex Heights and we wish her well for the many new adventures that lay ahead.

A joyful "guard of honour" for Ina by students and staff was held during the day today.

From the start of Term 3, Natalie Zaibak (Monday and Tuesday) and Felicity O’Flynn (Wednesday to Friday) will share the Assistant Principal role. Both are very experienced teachers that have previously held senior positions within our school. Elisha and I are looking forward to their contribution to the Principal Team and to the administration of the school.

Semester 1 Reports

We notified all families this week that your child’s Semester 1 report will be published and accessible on Compass mid-week in the first week of Term 3. There will be an opportunity early in Term 3 to meet with your child's teacher to discuss the report and your child's progress. You will be notified when interview bookings open on Compass. It is timely to remind families to ensure that you copy your child’s report to an external source so that you have access to it after you leave EHPS.


National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year (Sunday to Sunday), to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. You can support and get to know your local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities through activities and events held across the country during the 2024 NAIDOC Week from Sunday 7 to Sunday 14 July 2024. 

At EHPS this year, a number of Year 6 leaders and Year 5 JSC representatives had the privilege of working with Mark Lumley, our Koorie Education Support Officer, to develop an Acknowledgement of Country specifically for EHPS. We are reciting this new Acknowledgement of Country at our weekly School assembly. We also shared a special day in May with the Mitch Tambo and Voice of Lele whole school incursion. 


Our school appreciates that holidays are an important and special experience for families. However, we highly recommend that you minimise your child's absence from school during school terms. Absences during term time interferes with the children’s formal learning and their social continuity at school. If you decide to take a holiday during a school term, it is a requirement of the Department of Education student attendance guidelines that you request my permission for your child to be absent. Please send an email to, marked for my attention, with the details of your planned holiday. You will receive an email response with the necessary next steps. 

Leaving EHPS 

It is essential for our planning and preparation for the new term and next school year that you advise me in writing as soon as possible if your child will not be returning to EHPS. Use the school email address – – to advise the following details:

  1. Child's name and 2024 class
  2. Date of last day at EHPS 
  3. Name of the school your child is enrolled at 
  4. Commencement date at new school 
  5. The reason for leaving EHPS  
  6. New contact details, e.g. address, phone number, email



In closing, I wish all families a safe and happy holiday period. I hope that this will be an opportunity for family time as well a relaxing break for the children. We look forward to welcoming our community back for Term 3 on Monday 15 July.


Kindest regards,

George Perini
