Secondary 9/10

Term 1 has been incredibly engaging and busy for Secondary 9/10A learners!
For our Experience Days, we visited Binnak Park, Gresswell Forest Park, Port Melbourne Beach, and NGV Australia.
Everyone had a great time participating in different experiences and demonstrating our Concord values and expectations.
In Reading, we studied the text 'Black Cockatoo’, which links to our study in Discovery about the history of Aboriginal people. We also learned to summarise text by characters, settings, conflicts, and resolutions.
In writing, we worked on picture description writing and recount writing. Students practised utilising assistive technology alongside handwriting practice. Students also participated in the Sounds Write Program to build their understanding of letter sounds and symbols, as well as improve their decoding skills when reading. In mathematics, we focused on sequencing, modelling numbers, and addition and subtraction skills.
In Discovery, we explored pre-colonization and post-colonization history in Australia.
In Social Comp sessions, we focused on Interoception and worked on identifying body cues.
Ka Ying Lam
In Secondary 9/10B we are loving our Experience Days! So far we have been to Binnak Park, Gresswell Forest, the beach and thoroughly enjoyed making and eating rice paper rolls. We have planned our routes, what to pack and worked brilliantly together to make a recipe including putting all the ingredients and steps in order.
In ICT we discussed online safety and responsible use of our devices and made avatars.
Hossein: Gresswell forest was fun. Beach day was the best! The paddle boards were my favourite.
Eliza: My favourite experience day was the beach. I liked the fish and chips for lunch.
Trisha: I liked playing at the parks. I like learning about maths.
Maggie: I loved making rice paper rolls! I ate four! Roast pork were the best.
Jensen: Beach! I like going to the ocean.
Jeremy: The beach was my favourite. I love experience days.
Yenuli: Rice paper rolls are tasty. I ate two! I went to the beach with my friends, Madisyn and Trisha.
Humdan: I liked doing Fit for Life. I like being strong.
9/10 C
Well, what a huge first term we’ve had in 9/10C! There have been so many amazing experiences we’ve had together so I thought I’d let the students choose their favourite moments and tell you all about them! - Elise
Making Rice Paper Rolls - Catarina
A few weeks ago, my teachers, my classmates and I learned how to make rice paper rolls. The rolls were so easy to make because my family is Vietnamese and I’ve made them so many times. After we finished making the rolls, we got to eat them, and they tasted so delicious. I had so much fun making the rolls with my classmates, and I wish we could do this again.
Black Cockatoo Reading - Diesel
This term, we have been reading The Black Cockatoo. The book is about a young Aboriginal girl named Mia, whose spirit animal (totem) is a Black Cockatoo (Dirran). In the story, we have learnt about Aboriginal words. We have made a display that shows the vocabulary of the book in both English and Aboriginal. We printed off photos to match each word, to help us remember.
All about STEAM - Chloe
Hi everyone. Every Friday 9/10s do STEAM. We all do different STEAM activities like Pet Responsibility, Anime Drawing, Business Admin, Kitchen Science, Garden Gurus, Robotics and Art and Design. My favourite STEAM is Pet Responsibility because I learned how to take care of pets properly. We talk about what things dogs need like a brush, pet collar, dog bed, dog bowl, water bowl, dog bags, and most importantly treats. Every pet loves treats. Next, we are going to talk about how to take care of cats. So, it is important to learn how to take care of a cat. Cats need to be brushed, some cats might need cat food, cats also need water to stay hydrated, and cats need to have their ears clean like dogs because they will get an ear infection. 9/10s like doing STEAM because it is fun.
Beach Day - Frankie
Beach day was a very amazing and sunny day in my opinion. First, we went on the bus and I had a chat with Matthew and Diesel. We got there and we had a snack and my snack was delicious. We did some activities in the water and on land. Then we got some lunch and I enjoyed some fish and chips.
Fit for Life - Jacob
Hi everybody! Every Wednesday we do Fit for Life. We do Fit for Life so people can find out what exercise they might like to do to stay fit and healthy. We have lots of choices. Some people go to the gym, some do Team Games, Interschool Sports, Bowling, Boxing, Walk and Talk, and Dance. I go to Watermarc Gym. I do circuits on the gym equipment. I feel okay going to the gym, but next term I might change to Bowling.
Binnak Park - Matthew
On Wednesday, February 7th, 9/10, we walked to Binnak Park. Then we all had a snack. Then we spread out and did our own things. I went off with my friends to the exercise park. We worked out, then we went to the swing, and one of my friends got swung very high. Then we had a yummy sausage sizzle. I had three sausages; it was delicious.
Secondary 9/10 D have had a brilliant start to the year. We have loved all our Experience days. In English, we are exploring the novel ‘Black Cockatoo, ’ which links into our Discovery unit. We are also exploring the History of Australia, with a particular focus on life pre- and post-colonisation.
Cristian: I loved going to Binnak Park, Gresswell Forest, and Port Melbourne Beach. At Binnak Park, I really enjoyed the yummy sausages. At Gresswell Forest, I liked looking at birds. At Port Melbourne Beach, I liked swimming and having fish and chips and ice cream.
Aleshia: This term we went to Port Melbourne Beach. I really enjoyed hanging out with Billy and Olena. I went in the water, but it was as cold as a freezer. We played on the sand and watched everyone take part in flag races.
Adrian: I have learnt about maths, we are learning about hundreds, tens and ones.
Billy: What I have liked doing for the past 6 weeks is Kahoot, I liked hosting Kahoot as it gets everyone engaged and I think it’s a great learning source. Kahoot is fun and Challenging.
Olena: I have enjoyed doing Fit for Life. I go bowling, and my score on Wednesday, March 13th, was 86, which is my highest score. I really enjoyed going to Port Melbourne Beach, and I enjoyed cheering everyone on in the flag races.
Ben: I really enjoyed going to Binnak Park because there was so much to do there. I enjoyed going on the swing, and I have also enjoyed making and tasting rice paper rolls. They were delicious, except I didn’t like the mint in them.
Talia: I enjoyed the rice paper rolls because I put chicken and Pork in them. I enjoyed Bowling in Fit For Life because it’s fun. My score on Wednesday, March 13th, was 93. We walk to the Bowling centre, and it’s not a long walk.
Phoebe: I love dancing in Fit for Life on Wednesdays because I am a huge fan of performing arts and Music. I have enjoyed our Discovery topic as its about History and our Indigenous People.
Josh: What I liked about this year so far in 9/10D was going to Port Melbourne Beach, having fun in the water and surfing on the paddle boards. I also enjoyed going to Binnak Park, eating sausages and using the exercise equipment. And finally, I have enjoyed Business Admin during our STEAM groups because I get to deliver parcels and empty the paper recycling bin class by class.
As we bid farewell to Term One, it's time to reflect on the exciting adventures and valuable experiences our students in Secondary 9/10E have embarked upon. From thrilling excursions to engaging activities within our school community, it has been a term filled with growth, learning, and fun for our students.
One highlight of the term was our delightful BBQ at Binnak Park. Students gathered to enjoy a delicious feast while relishing the opportunity to play on the playground and kick around the footy. It was a joyous occasion where friendships were strengthened, laughter echoed through the park, and memories were made.
Another culinary adventure awaited our students as they dove into the art of making rice paper rolls. This hands-on activity allowed students to not only learn a new skill but also explore and taste a new cuisine.
Beach Day at Port Melbourne was another highlight. Our students soaked up the sun and surf while participating in sand and water activities. From team relays on the sand to swimming and stand-up paddle boarding, it was a day filled with beachside fun.
Throughout the term, our students have also been actively engaged in various elective activities on Mondays and Tuesdays. These electives provide opportunities for students to explore their interests and develop new skills in areas such as art, science, music and fitness.
Wednesdays are dedicated to Fit For Life, where students focus on physical fitness and well-being. Through a range of activities, including bowling, dancing, boxing, team sports, and walk-and-talk, our students learn the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle, and it has been great to see them develop habits that promote physical and mental well-being.
On Fridays, our students immerse themselves in the world of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Again, students have had the opportunity to select an area of interest and engage in learning activities with peers from across 9/10.
As we look ahead to Term 2, we're excited for 9/10E and the wider cohort to continue engaging in a variety of fun and enriching learning experiences.
Term 1 has been an exhilarating journey for our Year 9 and 10 students! Let’s celebrate the remarkable experiences that have enriched our learning environment and fostered a sense of unity, creativity, and growth.
Exploring Nature and Culture
Our adventurous students embarked on captivating excursions during Term 1. From the serene Binnak Park to the enchanting Gresswell Forest, they immersed themselves in the beauty of our natural surroundings. The sun-kissed shores of Port Melbourne Beach provided a refreshing escape, while the National Gallery Victoria ignited their artistic spirits. These outings not only connected us to our land but also strengthened our bonds with one another. And let’s not forget the essential water safety skills we acquired—because safety is paramount!
Culinary Adventures and Indigenous Ingredients
In our classrooms, creativity knows no bounds! We dived into the world of flavours, designing and crafting delectable rice paper rolls. But that’s not all—our culinary journey took an exciting turn as we explored indigenous ingredients in our Wattleseed damper. The fusion of tradition and innovation left our taste buds dancing with delight.
Empowering Choices
As Year 9 and 10 students, we had the privilege of shaping our educational path. Electives, Fit4Life experiences, and STEAM subjects—these choices empower us to discover our passions and talents. Parents and friends, engage in conversations with your loved ones about these opportunities. Whether it’s caring for animals, competing in interschool sports, or creating stunning works of art, our agency and engagement are vital as we step into the world beyond school.
A Unified Team
Within the walls of 9-10F, magic happens. Our dedicated teacher, Mr. James Paraskeva, fosters an environment where every voice matters. Olivia, our incredible Educational Support staff, ensures that no student walks alone. And the camaraderie within the 9-10 area? It’s like being part of one big, supportive team. We’re grateful for the weekly adventures orchestrated by our school’s exceptional leaders.
Thank you for being part of our journey. Let’s continue to learn, grow, and thrive together!
Wow, what a phenomenal term 1 it has been! It was bursting at the seams with countless exhilarating new experiences! The students from Secondary 9/10G are absolutely thrilled to share some of their favourite experiences from this term!
Beach Day- Alannah
Beach day was so much fun we got on the bus at school and went to the beach past the city. Once we got to the beach, we all got together and took a class photo before we sat down for morning tea. After morning tea, we listened to the instructions from the Port Melbourne lifeguards. Then we did some warmup exercises, then we did activities. The First activity was sort of like a race and the second one was like a treasure hunt in the sand in one spot. Then we went in the water, and we did paddle boarding, and some people were collecting shells. They were pretty and cool and we did some swimming but we only swam close to the lifeguards. Then we had lunch. Some people bought fish and chips and some people ate their own food, then we went on the bus and we went back to school. It was so much fun.
Beach Day- Angus
On Friday, the whole 9.10 section went to the beach. Paddle boarding was very fun, and I was very good at it. After paddle boarding, me and the boys got fish and chips. I had to wait a long time for my fish and chips. Then we went on the bus, and we went back to school. It was a fun day. The boys loved it.
Beach Day- Chloe
The beach day was amazing! We did some lessons and stuff at the beach like beach treasure hunt and flag racing. And we went in the water! I had fish and chips for lunch and went home.
STEAM- Daniel
I do community access or church cleaning for STEAM. I go with Riley and Gary to
St. Peter’s Church on a bus. We dust, clean the windows, vacuum the carpets, and polish the floors. Then we hop on the bus to go back to school. Some people buy fish and chips from the shops close by. When I go back to school, I am exhausted, but I'm so happy I can go.
Binnak Park excursion- Ollie
At the Binnak Park experience, I enjoyed working out on the gym equipment with my last year’s teacher Ka Ying. I also really enjoyed the barbecue, and I had two sausages, it was so yummy. I kicked the footy with Angus, Zac and Jamie.
Electives- Lucas
On Mondays and Tuesdays, we do electives. I do Music on Mondays and Creative media on Tuesdays. For Music, we get a song to learn and then you get to choose an instrument to play it on like the saxophone, piano, drums etc. Then you learn the song on whatever instrument you’re on. When the whole class gets better at that song and finishes it then it’s a new song. For Creative media it’s photography, editing and stuff like that, if you’re in this group you go to the old woodwork room and sit down. When you sit down, they will either say we are going to do something at the old woodworks room or green screen room. If it’s the green screen room, we get a costume and grab a partner to work with. One takes pictures the other gets to. In the woodworks room, we get to put fake wounds, edit pictures etc.
Rice Paper Rolls
On Tuesday the 20th February we learnt that rice paper rolls are from Vietnam. In my rice paper rolls I wanted lettuce, cucumber, onion, cheese, and chicken. On Friday 23rd of February at 1:30 pm we made rice paper rolls in the staff room. I put all my ingredients on the rice paper and rolled it up. It was yummy!
By Mason
Binnak Park
On the 7th of February the whole 9/10 section went on an experience day to Binnak Park. Before we left, Sam, Phu, Owen and I cooked a lot of snags. When we finished we loaded the bread and snags on the bus. When we got to Binnak Park, Sam, Lewis and I set up the BBQ. We reheated the snags and cooked some more. Then Sam and I went to the cricket nets. After that I went back to cook some more snags. An hour later, we packed up and cleaned the BBQ. After we did all that, I walked back to school with my mates. That was my day, it was a good day.
By Lachlan
Clean Up Australia Day
On the 20th of February 9/10H had a Clean Up Australia Day. We took a bus to Carter Reserve and once we got there, we were given our gear. We got gloves,tongs, a bucket and special rubbish bags. We began to pick up rubbish around the oval and made our way to the river. I walked with Lewis and Lachlan. We walked to the banks and picked up old bottles and rubbish. We then made our way back to the group at the oval.
Later on we had some free time to go kick the footy with the boys. Lewis called us over to eat our recess and after we finished eating we went back to it and collected rubbish. We walked under a bridge and found an old toaster while picking up rubbish.
After we finished picking up rubbish, we left the park and walked up to Coles express. We emptied our rubbish into the bins and I also bought myself a bottle of Fanta. We began walking up to Maccas when I suddenly realised I left my bag at the river. We ran back to get it. Luckily, after that tragedy, I got my bag back and went to McDonalds for some food. The class then hopped back on the bus to Concord.
By Sam
STEAM Robotics and design
On Fridays the 9/10 section does steam electives. The elective I do is robotics and design with James. We design buildings and I am building a Lego mothership. I have built another design which is a lego gun that you can shoot with rubber bands.
I really enjoy my steam elective.
By Roman
Greenwood park
On the 15th of February we went to Greenwood Park in Bundoora. It was a short walk from Concord School to there. We went with 9/10F. When we arrived at school, we got our bags and ipads and took a long walk. The walk is 16 minutes long. When we got there, we sat down and ate our morning tea. Then we got split into groups. In my group were Owen, Lachie, Sam and Fabian. We walked around the dry forest which had sounds of animals. We also saw some angry kangaroos. We also saw some magpies that make some sounds. Then we walked back to school. I enjoyed the experience because it was very peaceful.
By Phu
Port Melbourne Beach Excursion
On Friday the first of March at 9:30 am the 9/10 section went to Port Melbourne beach. Once we got there we had our snack on the steps. We got split into groups depending on the bus we went on. We did two sand activities and two water activities.
Everyone got called to lunch and we went up to the shop to eat fish and chips. After that, we went on the bus and returned to Concord. I enjoyed paddle boarding because it was fun.
By Zavar
On the 11th of February, we had a power outage. The next day we had a day off from school because it was so hot and there was no power in our building. Then on the 15th of February, we had an out of uniform day because we did so well in adapting to the changes from that day.
By Iyad
On Friday 1st of March some year 7 to 12 students from Concord School went to Aquarena Aquatic centre. At 9:30 am, we went swimming in a 50 metre pool and we did freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. I came 3rd in the freestyle and backstroke race and first in the breaststroke race. I was nervous at first but I am proud of what I achieved. It was a fun experience because I swam very well and next time I could improve by going faster.
By Owen
Occupational Therapist: Jonathan Marshall
Students in Secondary 9/10 have had an amazing term and have enjoyed engaging in new and exciting activities to develop their awareness of their bodies and build upon their self-regulation skills.
Speech Therapist: Renae Gates
It has been a wonderful start to the year inSecondary 9/10. In Speech Pathology we have been working on our team work and communication through group projects involving planning, negotiating and engaging.
A term highlight was the whole section excursion to Binnak Park where I was challenged to some running races by students!