Parents Association

Parents’ Association needs your assistance with the supper for our College 2024 Debutante Ball
Friday March 22nd is fast approaching and we are asking for your assistance with supper for this very special occasion for our Year 11 girls and their partners. Donations of cakes, slices, sandwiches or something savoury like sausage rolls, mini quiches are very much appreciated for the evening. If you are not so good at the baking side of things, then a cash donation to purchase items for the evening is fantastic also. This is a major fundraiser for the Parents’ Association and your help is greatly appreciated. All money raised goes back into purchasing items for the school and subsidising camps to improve your child/ren’s education. Money donations can be sent to or left at the office at school; clearly marked - Deb Ball Supper Purchases. “Many hands make light work.”
Thank you for your help.
or any enquiries please contact the Melinda Springthorpe, Parents’ Association President on 0408815208.
Eggnormous Easter Fete Mega Raffle
Wedderburn College Parents Association are again running their Eggnormous Easter Raffle, we are aiming to have an abundance of prizes. If you are able to donate eggs or chocolate, the Parents Association will make up prize bundles so everyone has a greater chance to win. Eggs and chocolate donations can be left at the school front office from this week onwards. Last year this topped off the many highlights of the day. As a special incentive Mr Forrest will run a school day activity for the class who is able to donate the most prizes for the raffle. When dropping off your donation please let the Front Office know what class you are from.
The tickets will be sent home next week with the eldest child in the family.
We would appreciate it, if you could you please sell these tickets @ $1.00 each and return the tickets and money to the front office by Friday 22nd March, 2024. Please sellboth sides of these tickets
The raffle will be drawn at our Fete on Thursday 28th March.
If you need more tickets please contact the front office
Pie Drive
Our famous Pie Drive is back with delicious pies from Dunolly Bakery.
Order forms will go home with students this week. There is also an
order form attached to this Newsletter. Order Forms and money are
due back to school by Friday 26th April.
My Name Labels Fundraiser
Does your child lose items of their school uniform, lunch boxes, drink bottles etc? If so, then please support our fundraiser by buying iron on labels or stick on labels and you will save the expense of buying these missing items again.
Easy to order, go to and enter our fundraising code WC0515 at the checkout and you will earn a 5% discount and our school with receive 15% commission. All money raised will go towards your child’s camps and excursions,
Order on line now at
Don’t forget to enter our FUNDRAISING CODE: WC0515
Thank you for your support
Melinda Springthorpe
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is open on Thursdays from 3.30pm - 4pm or by appointment.
For appointments please call Jo Winslett on 0407 049 268.