Classroom Reports

F/1A - Foundation and Year 1
On Monday, we visited the library where the friendly Year 12s read us lots of picture story books and helped us to borrow our books. We also had the Year 3s join us again during Maths for a Jack and the Bean Stalk counting game. We are getting much better at making sure our count matches the object counted. In one of the games, after rolling the dice, we had to collect that many leaves to build a bean stalk. Not too many stalks reached the clouds!
On Tuesday , Miss Anderson cooked delicious pancakes. We sang songs about making pancakes with the Year 3s.
On Wednesday, Foundation children had their day at home, and all the Year 1s learnt about analogue clocks and telling the time.
On Thursday, we continued to read 'Grandpa and Thomas', and got to go outside and make sandcastles; just like Thomas did in the story.
On Friday , we played, and played, and played in the water at the School Swimming Sports. I’m sure everyone slept well that night!!!
What a week!
Mrs Tanya, Classroom Teacher
F/1B - Foundation and Year 1
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher
Year 2
Wow! Doesn’t time fly? We are already in Week 4 of Term 1!
We would like to start with a big congratulations to all Grade 2 students who demonstrated the Wedderburn College values during swimming lessons last week. It was fabulous to hear that our students showed resilience in trying new things within the lessons and responsibility when travelling to and from the pool. The grade also demonstrated some new digital technology skills this week when they logged into our Google Classrooms for the first time. Again, it was great seeing students show care by helping each other with this task. In Reading, we have been learning about the different features and purposes of imaginative and informative texts, so you may like to talk with your child about what type of text their home reader is. The weather continues to be rather hot, so a reminder to bring your drink bottle to school.
Mrs McKenzie & Ms Young, Classroom Teachers
Year 3
Pancake Tuesday
Year 3 cooked and ate pancakes for Pancake Tuesday with F/1 students. The students discussed the ingredients and the steps it takes to make pancakes also the way the heat of the frying pan changes the pancakes from a liquid to a solid. Students in F/1 and Year 3 watched as the bubbles appeared and popped which meant that the pancakes were ready to be flipped!
Swimming Program
Year 3 students enjoyed their time at the pool last week taking part in the swimming program with Miss Milne, Haley and Robyn running lessons for students. It was great to see students enjoy their time and build their confidence throughout the week.
Maths with F/1
Year 3 students have continued to explore Mathematics games with Mrs Tanya’s F/1 class. This week we have shared a counting game based around the Jack and the Beanstalk story. Year 3 students have continued to share their knowledge with the younger students and showing great leadership and responsibility through these interactions.
Swimming Carnival
On Friday, Year 3 students were active participants in our school swimming carnival. Students brought the confidence from their swimming program lessons, whilst also showing dedication to their house teams by dressing up in their house colours. Well done to all Year 3s for actively participating in the day!
Year 3 students are reminded of the importance of completing their homework tasks. SMART Spelling tasks, reading 10-15 minutes per night and set Mathematics revision tasks.
Miss A, Classroom Teacher.
Year 4&5
We have started novel studies in Reading. For the past two weeks we have been focusing on the strategy visualising. Visualising is when you make pictures in your mind based on what you are reading. The pictures we make in our mind are based on our own experiences and prior knowledge.
Year 4s have been reading 'Boot'. So far we know that Boot has to escape from a grinder to find his owner, Beth. We also know that he has lost his memories and is trying to find out who he is. Currently, he has two and half memories and they are stored in his left butt cheek.
Year 5s have been reading 'Fuzzy Mud'. So far in this novel, we know that three main characters are Chad, Marshall and Tamaya and they find Fuzzy Mud in the forest as they were walking through a ‘shortcut’ that ended up getting them lost.
I rate Boot a 4/5 - Mia Cl
I rate Boot a 5/5 - Gabbie
I rate Boot a 4.5/5 - Odin
I rate Fuzzy Mud 5/5 - Aliana
I rate Fuzzy Mud 4/5 - Ryder
I rate Fuzzy Mud 3/5 - Charlie
Miss Eilish, Classroom Teacher
Year 5/6
Grades 5 & 6 are loving reading 'Fuzzy Mud' and 'Runt.' We're visualising and making predictions as we read.
Book review
Hi, I am reading 'Runt' by Craig Silvey and it is a fantastic book.
Runt reminds me of my dog called Bazz. Bazz is shy and timid like Runt, but also super smart. Susie Shearer (mum) is like my mum because she is unusual and unique. Annie is the main character, who lives on a farm and likes to wear her grandpa Wally's toolbelt and likes to fix everything. But, Annie can't fix the lack of water in Upson Downs. Well not yet...
From Brodie Turnbull
Mrs Turnbull, Classroom Teacher
Year 9 Leadership Camp - Don Valley
Our Don Valley students are going well on their camp. It is lovely reading some of the students SWAYs and how much they continue to challenge each other and grow.
Some of the things they have been up to include:
- Hiking
- Leading groups
- Team building exercises such as bridge building
- Respectful Relationships – Empathy, Emotional management
- Bike riding
- Presentation skills
- Effects of humans on the environments
They are super excited about their upcoming Expo that is starting today and have decided upon a Community Learning Project; to be announced soon.
Miss Milne
Year 10
We would like to begin by saying how proud we are of the students who displayed excellent leadership on Swimming Sports day. Those students jumped at the opportunity to assist the younger students. Well done!
- English Homework: Due weekly.
- Maths Homework: Due Fridays.
- Science Homework: Due weekly; please be aware of your due date. Use your diary!
- VCE students are reminded to ensure they are keeping up with their Year 11 Homework.
- If you are absent from school, please send an email to your teachers to ensure you catch up on any work that is missed.
Homework Club
If you are finding it difficult to complete your homework, please use the opportunities at school to do so. Homework club is running Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays at lunchtime in Room 11.
Mr Iser & Miss Milne, Year 10 Homeroom Teachers
VCE Camp
We headed off on Wednesday morning with expectations of lots of activities and lots of sun. We took up two buses and both were buzzing with anticipation.
First stop was a toilet and coffee stop at Marong. It was good to stretch the legs! For the hungry members of the group, they were very relieved to see the golden arches when we drove through Gisborne. A brunch stop was had and then it was back on the buses to head for Cario Village. Both buses by now had their designated DJs and the music was pumping.
After a stop in Cario Village, for lunch and obligatory fleecy pant purchase, we popped into The Gordan and had a quick look at how TAFEs are set up. From there we headed over to Insight Signs, where we were shown all aspects of sign writing, including car wrapping. Next came a stop at Coles in Ocean Grove, where we did our food shopping, and our all-important Master Chef ingredients were bought.
We checked into the caravan park in Queenscliff and got down to the important business of creating culinary excellence. The teachers had a very hard time deciding who took out the honours.
Day 2 included a presentation from Elevate Education, where the students were given very worthwhile study tips and good work practices for VCE. After a quick lunch we grabbed our bathers and headed to Torquay for our surf/body board lessons. A few of has hung ten and mastered the waves, while the rest of us drank our fair share of sea water. To wash away the taste, we stopped at Augustus and had a treat of ice cream/sorbet.
Dinner was fish and chips from Queenscliff, followed by a drive around the various lookouts, where we go to track a couple of boats going through the heads. The patient members of the group were able to see the pilot transfer occur on a rough ocean.
After a clean up of cabins, a farewell to the beach and retail therapy at Westfield Geelong, we headed back up the highway for home. We had a great few days and lots of memories were made.
Thanks to Mr Gretgrix, Mrs Woodman and Janice for supporting us.
Mr Gretgrix and Mrs Woodman, Year 11 & 12 Homeroom Teachers
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
Mr P’s Secondary PE Student of the Week is: Ryan Ing.
Ryan has shown great resilience and determination during our swimming program to start the year. It has been fantastic to see Ryan keep trying and see the improvements he has made in stroke development, technique and confidence in the water. Well done, Ryan. See Mr P for your prize.
Miss M’s Primary PE Student of the month is: Angus Kerr. Angus has displayed our school value of resilience each swimming lesson. By the end of our program, Angus was proud his growth and super excited to tell his teachers of what he was able to achieve. Well done, Angus! Please see Miss Milne for your prize.
OSHC Program
To Parent/Carers,
Please be aware, if your child/children has a booking to attend Wedderburn OSHC Program ensure that you inform the College of any changes which may arise. This needs to done only by the Parent/Carer and not by the student. This will avoid any confusion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Trina Vaughan, Melinda Springthorpe and Annette Hunt.
OSHC Coordinators.
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