Assistant Principal's 


Mr Lockhart

Swimming Sports 

Great job to all students who participated in our Swimming Carnival, the day was a great success and is about building school spirit through participation, dressing up and having fun.  A special congratulations to Ansett in securing victory over Jacka………………it’s the year of the blue!!!!!


School Uniform

Our school uniform is one of the many highlights of our school.  The majority of our students are in school uniform all the time and it is very much appreciated, that being said there are couple things I would like to bring to your attention.

  1. Socks - they must be dark, which is either navy blue or black, please not white socks
  2. Hats – please encourage students to wear them on their head and not carry them in their hand.


Homework is an everyday part of school life, as you progress through the years at Wedderburn College you start to get more and more, with Year 12 being the year you have most Homework.  Below I have outlined our homework club, consequences for not submitting your homework and finally our Homework Policy which can be located on our website.


Homework Club

There are opportunities provided by staff for students to complete their homework during lunchtime and get assistance from a teachers who are volunteering their time.

Homework Club – Dates and Times

  • Tuesday – 1.15pm.  Room 11 – Mrs Turnbull
  • Wednesday – 1-15pm.  Room 11 – Mr Fowles
  • Thursday – 1.15pm. Room 11 – Mr Iser

Homework Detentions

Will be provided to students who do not complete their homework in a timely manner.  This will take place after students have had several opportunities to submit their homework. A typical course of action for students who continually miss homework deadlines would be:

  1. Student does not complete home work – compass chronicle is completed and made visible to parent / carer and an alternate homework submission date is set
  2. Student does not complete homework for the second time – student attends lunchtime detention arranged and run by subject teacher
  3. After above steps have taken place and student still fails to submit homework, then student attends lunchtime detention with Mr Lockhart held every Friday.


Wedderburn College Homework Policy 


“The setting of homework can be seen as one way of:

  • complementing and reinforcing classroom learning
  • fostering good lifelong learning and study habits
  • developing self-regulation processes such as goal-setting, self-efficacy, self-reflection and time management
  • supporting partnerships with parents/carers by connecting families with the learning of their children”

Victorian Department of Education Website 2023


Homework: Tasks assigned to students by school teachers that are meant to be carried out during non-school hours.


Homework is seen as a means to provide students with work that reinforces skills and deepens the student's knowledge of what has occurred in the classroom. It is effective when it is set at an appropriate level which enhances student learning for students experiencing difficulty and also extends others. Homework should be considered within the broader understanding of students experiencing a balance between school related and non-school related activity. Completed homework should always be acknowledged and assessed by the teacher through formal or informal means.

Set out below is general advice for students and parents on the level of homework at different year levels.

Foundation to Year 2 (10 minutes per night)

Homework Program (at least 10 minutes per night) including supervised reading.

Year 3 to 6 (no more than 20 minutes per night)

Independent reading (at least 10 minutes per night)

Spelling Words (5 minutes per night)

Recite Multiplication Tables either independently or with parent, guardian or carer. Informal testing of multiplication tables.

Tasks set by the teacher with relation to projects, assignments and exercises.

Any unfinished classwork the teacher has assigned.

Year 7 to 10  (3 -4 hours per week)

Independent reading (15 minutes per night)

Independent writing (15 minutes per night)

Recite and revise multiplication tables on a regular basis until familiar

Unfinished classroom work assigned by the teacher

Preparation for upcoming lessons as prescribed by the teacher

Revise and prepare for Assessment Tasks

Completion of projects, assignments and exercises from any subject.

Year 11 to 12 (from 1.5 hours to 3 hours per night for final year VCE students, up to 6 hours on weekends for students completing VCE units)

Independent reading of a prescribed novel or novel of interest.

Active interest in current events and affairs through reading and watching news either online or television.

Assessment Tasks

Preparation for upcoming lessons as prescribed by the teacher

Prescribed homework tasks which may include exercises, projects and assignments.

Study and revision in preparation for internal and external examinations.

Senior students have access to the College facilities after school for study only, whilst College teaching staff are present and prior approval has been granted.

Management and Actions

Homework Club will be run multiple times a week and provide time for students to complete homework with help from teachers before the due date.  

Students who do not complete homework by the due date will receive a chronicle on Compass. Students will be required to attend lunchtime homework classes until the work is completed. 

Parents will be notified either by the subject teacher or home group teacher if their child continually misses homework due dates. 

Students who continually miss deadlines may result in a school detention (either during school or after school).

The college requests parents/guardians support in implementing the college homework policy.

February 2024