
Project Compassion
We are now at the end of the second week of Lent and all students should now have brought home a Project Compassion Box for them to place their donations for this Caritas Appeal.
The focus of stories, shared this year, in Project Compassion materials, is the work that Caritas does to assist young people in countries where poverty prevents them from obtaining an education. The simple act of installing a water tank for a household, to provide clean, safe drinking water, enables children to have more time to attend school, rather than fetching water, and better health conditions for the family.
Please encourage your son to raise funds by doing extra chores, or using his pocket money or wages from a part time job to contribute to making a difference in the lives of people who are much less fortunate to themselves.
Project Compassion Boxes can be handed in at any time, but they are all due to be returned during Holy Week which is the last week of Term One.
Year 12 and Golden Heritage Club Mass
Continuing our special traditions of the College, our Year 12 cohort and the TOBA Golden Heritage Club were united in a reverent celebration of the Eucharist in the Trinity College Chapel. Led by Fra Oscar, our College Chaplain, he reminded everyone about the importance of tradition and being a worthy leader in the community. He challenged them to listen to our guests because they were filled with wisdom and knowledge of their own life experiences, and that at times, life does not go to plan. He also reminded our Year 12s, that they would someday be sitting where our Old Boys were currently seated on Tuesday.
A big thank you to Diane Millar - Executive Officer of TRINITY-TERRACE OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION (TOBA) for all her efforts, especially surprising the Old Boys with a tie and pin that were blessed by Fra Oscar during Mass. Thank you to Melanie Dunn and our TC Café for coordinating a delicious morning tea in the Staff Lounge. Mr Dion Smith – TOBA President thanked the TOBA men for their contribution to the College and the importance of community.
To finish, Darren O’Neill, College Principal, reinforced the message to appreciate their final year of schooling, encouraging all students to partake in all opportunities presented to them. Finally, thank you to all the parents who continue to support our Masses and for raising these wonderful young leaders of our college.
Friday Community Mass
Friday 8.00am Community Mass was hosted by Mr Presser’s 12.2 PCG and Mr Cooke’s 8.2 PCG. Thank you to our readers and all our Altar Servers and regulars attending. Fra Oscar, thank you as always for a meaningful Homily and Eucharistic celebration.
Quest Retreat
A reminder that the Quest Retreat will take place next Friday, 1 March from 12.50pm – 7.00pm. This is a compulsory event, and we sincerely thank all parents for encouraging your son to attend such a special retreat. Please remember to bring all collected cans on Friday evening as you collect your son.
Mrs Rosa West
Director of Campus Ministry