Teaching and Learning

Term 1
Discovery Centre
Our amazing team in the Discovery Centre have created a fantastic space in the MILE Room to support student learning as part of their Discovery Unit. This semester the Discovery Units explore ‘Social Responsibility’ which is aligned with History and Geography, including diversity, social systems, change, citizenship, relationships and culture. Once again the MILE room has been designed to not only represent the semester's Discovery Unit but also offer a calm and relaxing environment that can be used for small groups or individuals as a space to regulate, refocus and reset.
Semester 1 Individual Education Plans (IEP)
Term One is always a busy term for establishing relationships and setting goals for the year ahead. At Concord School, students have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) each semester. The teachers use student data to set appropriate goals linked to the Victorian Curriculum or Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) in 11/12. Teams have been busy collecting evidence and setting goals whilst continuing with their classroom teaching.
IEPs will be available to families on Compass on Friday 15th March. For our Prep families, IEPs will be available on 28th March. If you would like a hard copy please contact the office at Watsonia or Bundoora.
Punctuality at the Beginning of the School Day
Routines and procedures are critically important in establishing a strong learning environment within each classroom. Ensuring that your child attends school every day and on time, will enable them to access the best possible academic, social and emotional development, which is always our priority at Concord School.
Every day your child is away from school/late impacts on the level of success that will be achieved throughout their time in school. For this reason it is extremely important that students are at school, ready to begin their day, prior to the bell going. Learning
commences at 9.00am.
Good luck, Flora!
This week is Flora's last week before commencing parental leave. We wish Flora all the best and look forward to welcoming her back next year. In the meantime, I will be Acting Assistant Principal - please don’t hesitate to reach out for anything Teaching and Learning related.
Karlie Gooding
Acting Assistant Principal (Teaching & Learning)