Classroom News 

F-2 Preston Market Excursion

Last Thursday, the Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students were thrilled to go on their first excursion of the year, to the amazing Preston Market! To link in with our Inquiry unit on "Keeping our bodies healthy", the task for each small group at the Preston Market was to buy three pieces of fruit.

We had a variety of fresh fruit to choose from, including bananas, apples, pears, oranges, nectarines and strawberries, just to name a few!

Later that afternoon, we got to enjoy a delicious fruit salad with all the fruits we bought.



In Italian the Foundation students have been learning how to greet each other. We have introduced them to basic Italian greetings and how to introduce themselves, all with the delightful assistance of the beloved character, Pinocchio.

We began by teaching the students how to say ‘Hello’ in Italian. We used the word ‘Ciao!’- a friendly greeting that many of us are familiar with. The students had fun practicing this greeting together.

Next, we moved on to learning how to say ‘goodbye’ in Italian. I introduced the term ‘Arrivederci!’ This word conjures up images of Pinocchio bidding farewell to his friends as he embarks on his thrilling escapades, The students eagerly repeated this word, wanting to master the pronunciation of this word.

Following this I taught the students how to introduce themselves. We used the phrase’ Mi chiamo….’ followed by their name. Just like Pinocchio proudly announcing his name to the world, I encouraged students to confidently state their names in Italian. For instance, ‘Mi chiamo Maria.’

This exercise helped the students not only learn Italian but also boosted their confidence in speaking a new language. We encourage you to reinforce these lessons at home by practicing Italian greetings and introductions with your children. 

Year 2/3

Hi All,

What a wonderful time we all had at the Welcome Mass this week. Thank you to the families that were able to make it, we had a great turnout. I hope you enjoy the photos of the children. They all did a great job and we were most impressed with the choir and all their hard work. Next Thursday, is our class assembly. We look forward to seeing families on the day. I hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend. 

Year 4/5                   

Each week on Monday, some of the grade 5 and 6 students have gardening at our school. We do weeding and watering of the plants in the garden and the Prayer garden too. We also wrote a letter to Bunnings asking them for some supplies and seeds. We spent the last couple of weeks weeding the black planter boxes near the Prayer garden with Marie and Lauren. Lauren takes a group of students to water all the plants in the school and Marie takes the rest of the students to do some weeding. We love gardening!!  

Lauren, Aleisha and Tiffany

On Wednesday the 6th of March, we had our first school mass of 2024. The students, parents, staff and friends gathered together. We prayed and listened to Father. Our favorite part of the mass was ‘The Good Samaritan’ play. Then we had the blessing of the candles which the SRT carried in and Father blessed them with holy water. After that the Foundation students got a present from Bethany - a picture frame with a picture of them in it. The most exciting moment was when the grade 6 students got their jumpers. We then went back to the school and had some icy poles and biscuits. We all had a fun and happy time with everyone!   Allie and Stephanie

When the Welcoming Mass began, we were ready to celebrate the start of the new school year. We enjoyed it. We thought that the play of ‘The Good Samaritan’ was on point with the characters dressed up like they were in the time of Jesus. We really thought that the play was entertaining. During Prayers of the Faithful, we were praying for the less fortunate and all the people who look after us. During the mass, the SRT carried up the class candles for Father to bless them. All the Foundation students received a picture of themselves in a frame to welcome them to our school. After mass we went back to the school for refreshments and snacks. It was fun!   Natalie, Jasmine and Azariah

The Welcoming Mass was fantastic, especially because of the Gospel act of ‘The Good Samaritan’ play and the amazing songs that the Choir got to sing. Two moments that we all liked was when Tristan was playing the ukulele and when Fortunato, the Samaritan helped Jacob who was the victim. We want to congratulate all those who are SRTs and the School Captains and Vice Captains. We loved the Mass!!   Brenton, Tristan and Callix

Year 5/6     

Religion ~ Welcome!

A wonderful night at Sacred Heart the other night with the Welcome Mass, where the Year 6 students received their polo tops. Massive thankyou to Cettina for driving this fantastic initiative. The students love them, as was evident with nearly all students wearing them yesterday! 

Year 6 polos!!
Year 6 polos!!


The Year 6 students also received their leadership badges with them being assigned a particular area of school life.


School Captains and WellBeing ~ Jacob, Ishe, Harper and Onella

Sports Captains ~ Alex and Connor

The Arts ~ Yianna and Fortunato

ICT ~ Keefe and Roman

The Environment ~ Glendon and Veer

Social Justice ~ Bhavin and Izaac


Congratulations to these fantastic leaders for 2024. I am confident that they will lead the school in a positive way and make this place even better for their peers, where the 'children are at the heart of everything we do". 


Maths ~ Teachers having fun!!

A game of chance and Place Value
A game of chance and Place Value

Everyone loves a game! Learning, teaching and playing games are powerful ways in which we learn new concepts, practice what we already know, and have some challenging fun whilst we do it! The staff met this week to discuss the Maths that is taking place across the school. Here, in the photo, teachers played a game involving 4 digit numbers, from 1000's to 1's, trying to outmanoeuvre each other. They are a competitive bunch, I must say!