Congratulations to the Senior Stage Band who performed brilliantly at the General Assembly on Tuesday 12 March. Performing the National Anthem with the Stage Band vocalist - Anthony Kostelac, set the tone for the upcoming assembly. They then performed to fantastic musical items: Jumpin’ Jack composed by Scotty Morris and arranged by Paul Murtha and Fudge Said the Judge composed by Les Taylor. Thank you to Dmitry Serebrianik for his ongoing work in developing this group.
On Tuesday 12 March, it was fabulous to see the amazing students perform most of the music that they will perform on tour to family and friends before they head off to Japan this Saturday 23 March. Thank you to the ensemble conductors and directors, Clare Bugeja, Blanka West, Tracy Videon and Dmitry Serebrianik, for their ongoing work in developing the performance capabilities of these students over the last two terms. A huge thank you to Dmitry Serebrianik for his organisation of the tour. We are all looking forward to many experiences it will bring.
The House Music Festival took place on the evening of Wednesday 20 March in the School Hall in front of an incredibly enthusiastic crowd of family and friends. This has been the major focus of the students throughout this term, with rehearsals taking place before school, after school and a few during lunchtime every day since the beginning of February. The level of support for the students was amazing, as was the standard.
Thank you to our judge Matt Little for his amazing and enthusiastic support of the students and their work.
A huge thank you to Andrew Albanis for his great organisation of this event, and with the amazing House Music Captains and the rest of the music teachers, created an extraordinary show. Thank you to Nick Xanthoudakis and his fantastic team who coordinated the Audio Visual and filming of the event.
Congratulations to all the House Captains for their amazing work throughout the term and through the show. Whilst there could only be one winner, we are incredibly impressed with the standard that was brought to the show.
Congratulations to Gilmore for their incredible win for 2024. We look forward to hearing one of the pieces at the next General Assembly.
With a few shortened weeks leading up to the end of term, just a reminder that students should be taking their instruments home to practice over the break. The music rooms will be locked from about 3:30pm on the final Thursday in the term.
Megan Papworth
Head of Performing Arts