The ICT faculty is offering an optional excursion to the iFLY indoor skydiving facility at Essendon Fields to participate in an educational STEM workshop on engineering process, flight physics & wind energy for all students who are taking Year 10 Introduction to Engineering elective in Semester 1.
This one-day workshop includes learning about basic flight theory, the engineering design that creates the powerful wind tunnel, as well as conducting experiments using the wind tunnel to determine terminal velocity of different objects. Students will have the opportunity to predict their own terminal velocity using measurements and algebraic reasoning. If desired, students can test their predictions by entering the wind tunnel themselves!
Although this optional excursion is scheduled in June (after Term 2 exams), initial registration is due soon and there are only limited places available. Current Year 10 Engineering students who wish to participate must indicate their interest by completing this form by 22 March 2024.
Just to reiterate, this excursion is only available to our current Year 10 Engineering students.
Dr Sandy Law
Year 10 Intro to Engineering Teacher
In term 1 in ICT with Mrs Fleming, we created a poster about ourselves using a program called Canva. We drafted our work in Google Docs and transferred the information into a Canva. Here we used various tools to make our posters look good! When we were ready to print it, Mrs Fleming showed us how to use the printer, which she went through with simple and understandable steps.
The topic we are working on now is called Digi Kids. In the program, we are learning about how hackers and scammers can find information about you by what you post online. Then we looked at how teenagers have several benefits in using social media but can also see some of the problems and drawbacks.
We have used WordArt to help us consolidate our learning on the dangers of social media and cyberbullying. Here are our creations!
Roshna Rajaram & Alice Lanchbery