Good News

Term 1, Week 5


Jacob - For always trying his best during all learning tasks and consistently presenting neat and tidy bookwork. Keep up the good work Jacob!

Fletcher - For being a kind and caring member of ES1 who always strives to provide his peers with positive compliments. 

Callie - For taking pride in her learning and applying her creative touch to all learning tasks

Year 1/2

Mackenna - For constantly demonstrating what it looks like to be a learner at St. Mary of the Angels, by completing tasks to the best of her ability and for being eager to improve her work.

Vincent - For always demonstrating what it looks like to ensure others feel valued, respected and cared for by assisting his peers in the classroom.

Jack N - For assisting others during our Physical Education lessons; for giving his peers tips to help them succeed during cross country practice.

Year 3/4

Clancy has shown great performance in her Math's skills these past few weeks and I look forward to seeing her grow in the weeks to come.

Milla has been such a team player, showing great enthusiasm in and outside the classroom, she is vibrant and really enjoys her time at school.

Rylan is courteous and shows good manners in the classroom, he leads by example and has a positive effect on others around him.

Year 5/6

Lexi-  Continuously working towards achieving her reading goal

Peter- Accepting challenges in Math's with a growth mindset 

Bella- Applying various problem solving strategies to support her mathematical thinking

Ted- Fantastic contributions to classroom discussions  

Chase F - Put an extraordinary effort into learning his 9 times tables

Ryan- Extending himself in exploring additive relations

Lewis- Making use of his focusing strategies to support his work in group discussions

Kobi- For initiating and maintaining focus on a personal history research project