The Math's Space

Week 7, Term 1 

Each newsletter information will be published to inform our school community of what is occurring during Math in each stage and provide some helpful tips to support students learning. 


In Early Stage One, our young people have been busy learning about whole numbers and all the different ways we can represent numbers to at least 20, including 0. Our young people have created their own number posters, ordered numbers and have matched visuals with words and numbers. This week, our focus is to make connections between different collections of numbers.

What’s the time Stage 1?  Time is actually quite a radical process (one that took humans a few thousand years to understand and record). To support your child in understanding time start by introducing your child to the concepts of morning, noon, evening, and night time. Then, ask your child when certain routine activities happen. (i.e. "When do we eat breakfast?" or "What do we do in the morning?"). Once your child can understand these divisions of the day, they're on track to understanding time! Using the time measures of hour, minute and second in everyday life. For example, It’s 1 hour before bedtime, the food will go into the microwave for 30 seconds or brush your teeth for 2 minutes – that means counting to 60 twice. Photos below are some evidence of the fantastic work on odd and even numbers that Stage 1 worked on last week. 



Stage 2 finished their unit last week on Whole Number and have been spending time on applying an understanding of place value and the role of zero to represent numbers to at least tens of thousands. They have also been developing an understanding and fluency in mathematics through exploring and connecting mathematical concepts, choosing and applying mathematical techniques to solve problems, and communicating their thinking and reasoning coherently and clearly. They are now exploring the world of Angles. They have been focusing on the different types of angels and where they can be found in the world around us. 


Stage 3 have been working on additive relations and exploring rounding, estimation and addition with decimals. It have been wonderful to see the Young People using a range of strategies to support their thinking in this area.