Dates for the Diary

Please note that although we make every effort not to change dates

throughout the year, it is inevitable that change will occur, we

 apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may occur. 

As a regular routine, Mass will occur weekdays at 9am and if a 

Liturgy is planned this will commence at 12:40pm as per religious

 education time slot.


 Term 1 2024
1st FebruaryStudents in years 1-6 return to school for first day of Term 1 2024
 Best Start Assessment - K
 P&F Show Catering meeting 6pm
2nd FebruaryBest Start Assessment - K
5th FebruaryStudents in Kindergarten return to school for first day of Term 1 2024
7th FebruaryWelcome Mass @ 9am
9th FebruarySchool Swimming Carnival
13thFebruaryShrove Tuesday - Pancake Day
14thFebruaryTransition commences
 Ash Wednesday
16thFebruary9am Mass
21stFebruarySAC Meeting 6pm
28thFebruarySchool Welcome BBQ - 8am
28thFebruaryP&F AGM Meeting at 6pm
1st March9am Mass
 Armidale Diocesan Swimming Carnival
6th March Armidale Diocesan Hockey Trials
6th MarchFarrer Open Day - Year 5 Students
6th MarchSchool Advisory Council Meeting - 6pm
8th MarchArmidale Diocesan Rugby League, Netball & Soccer trials
13th March NAPLAN commences
15th MarchSt Patrick's Day - Mufti Clothes
22nd March9am Mass
25th MarchNaplan Finishes 
25th MarchDean Widders Cup - Armidale Sport UNE
27th March'Holy Week'
 9.00am - Whole School Easter Mass 

10.00am - SMOTA Easter Community Morning : Hat Parade, Raffles, Merit Awards 

Floatin' Around Coffee Van - will be available to purchase coffee and sweets on the day!

28th March School Cross Country
29th March Good Friday (Public Holiday)
1st April Easter Monday (Public Holiday)
3rd AprilNSWCPS Swimming
5th April Armidale Diocesan Cricket & Touch Football trials
8th AprilPupil Free Day - Learner Led Conferences - Parents to attend with child by appointment
11th AprilNSWPSSA Swimming
12th April9.00am - Mass
12th April NSWPSSA Swimming
12th April Last Day of Term 1


 Term 2 2024
29th AprilFirst day of Term 2 
3rd MayPolding Winter Trials - Rugby League 11's & 12's, Netball, Soccer & Hockey
5th May - 9th MayScholastics Book Fair
5th May - 10th MayNation Road Safety Week
8th MaySchool Photos (Full School Uniform)
10th May9.00am - Mass
10th MayWalk or Ride to School Day 
10th MayPolding Winter Trials - Rugby League 11's & 12's, Netball, Soccer & Hockey (back up date)
17th MayArmidale Diocesan Cross Country Barraba
20th MayAuthor Visit to School - Cameron Stelzer
22nd MayP&F Meeting - 6pm
23rd MayCPR Awareness Course - Stage 2&3 Students
24th MayArmidale Diocesan Cross Country Championships (back up date)
24th May9.00am - Mass
26th May Sunday - Sacrament of First Eucharist or Holy Communion
30th May School Athletics Carnival 
5th JuneNSWCPS & NSWCCC Cross Country
7th June9.00am - Mass
10th June King's Birthday - Public Holiday
16th JuneSunday - Sacrament of Reconciliation
21st June9.00am - Mass
4th JulyToni Palmer Memorial Shield (Stage 2 & Stage 3)
5th JulyLast Day of Term 2 

2024 NSW School Term Dates 

Term 1Tuesday 30th of January – Friday 12th of April
Term 2Monday 29th of April – Friday 5th of July
Term 3Monday 22nd of July – Friday 27th of September
Term 4Monday 14th of October – Friday 20th December