Wellbeing News

Congratulations to our new Wellbeing Leaders who are very excited to be able to lead our school in this area this year!

Class meetings

Last Monday we began our weekly class meetings, focusing on our school expectations and students giving ideas of what clubs they would like to see happening this term.  I look forward to sorting through these ideas with our Wellbeing leaders, for clubs to begin next week.


Wellbeing Hour

Next Friday we launch our Wellbeing Hour, which this term will be focusing on the following-

Self Awareness 

- to develop a healthy sense of who you are, and better understand your thoughts and feelings


The resources from The Resilience Project and Respectful Relationships will be used to develop and understand what Self Awareness is for each and every student.  Specifically each year level will focus on the following from the Personal and Social Capabilities strand of the Victorian Curriculum.



Develop a vocabulary and practise the expression of emotions to describe how they feel in different familiar situations 

Identify their likes and dislikes, needs and wants, abilities and strengths 


Year 1 & 2-

Extend their vocabulary through which to recognise and describe emotions and when, how and with whom it is appropriate to share emotions

Identify personal strengths and describe how these strengths are useful in school or family life


Year 3 & 4-

Identify and explore the expression of emotions in social situations and the impact on self and others

Identify personal strengths and select  personal qualities that could be further developed


Year 5 & 6-

Explore the links between their emotions and their behaviour

Reflect on how personal strengths have assisted in achieving success at home, at school or in the community


Eithne King

Wellbeing Leader