Parish News
Thank you Father Justel for making pancakes for our students on Shrove Tuesday and celebrating Mass with them on Ash Wednesday.
Our Prep students enjoyed your visit last Thursday and fondly remember you blessing each of them with the ashes.
Today we celebrated our Opening of the Year School Mass and our Year 6 Student Leaders were presented to our Parish community. We look forward to working together with members of our Parish community this year.
Father Justel is now the Parish Priest of two Parishes - Holy Family Mount Waverley and St Mary Magdalen's Chadstone. Our school community would like to congratulate Father Justel on his new appointment.
Another priest will be joining Father Justel to assist with the two Parishes. Fr. Stephen Battal Kumyangi will reside at the presbytery in Chadstone.
Our school community warmly welcomes Father Stephen to our parish and school.