School Captain News
School Captain News
What's happening Week 7:
It has been a very busy term at our school with lots of learning and fun taking place, there is a busy next few weeks so make sure you look at our calendar to see what is ahead.
Here is a riddle that you can try just for fun!
“What has 4 legs and one foot?”
The answer is at the bottom of the newsletter.
Year 3 Reconciliation
We wish all the year 3’s who are making their Reconciliation all the best.
We give you our best wishes and hope you can repent your sins. God Bless You All.
We would also like to wish all of the Year 3s and Year 5s on NAPLAN next week, we wish them the best and know they will do the best that they can.
Funky Friday Returns!
We are starting Funky Friday again! We have received multiple suggestions to bring Funky Friday back, so we decided to make your wishes come true. Funky Friday will be held every Friday, so make sure to bring your best dance moves!
Yard Slips
This week’s winners are Nila from 1A and Charbel from 1A for being responsible, keep up the great behaviour.
Behaviour Bucks
This week’s Behaviour Bucks winners are: 6B with 34 points and 3A with 26 points.
Just a reminder to all Class Captains behaviour bucks chests need to be handed in at 1.40 pm every Friday or classes will end up with 0 points.
Answer to the riddle:
A Bed!
Enjoy your long weekend. See you all on Tuesday!
Cruz, Amelia, Ivy & Lesra