Inclusive Practice

This Term we have had some Year 10 students participate in VET opportunities.
Ben Hogan has started his Cert II in Cookery and will continue to study it throughout the year. Here he is in his full chef’s outfit! Another student has been participating in Cert II in Sport & Recreation and loving the opportunity. Through broadening perspectives and increasing opportunities, our students are experiencing an increase in confidence and work readiness.
By including VET in their senior secondary program, students develop industry-specific knowledge and skills, as well as general skills they need for success in future employment, training, and further education.
There is something for everyone! If you are interested in exploring a vocational studies opportunity, see the Careers team in A4.
Globally 1 in 7 of us live with a disability. That is approximately 1.3 billion people. The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is a simple tool for you to voluntarily share that you have a disability or condition that may not be immediately apparent – and that you may need a helping hand, understanding, or more time in shops, at work, on transport, or in public spaces.
If you are interested in a Disability Sunflower, there are some lanyards, brooches and wrist bands available at Inclusive Practice at MC.
Contact Susan White on with your request. Alternatively visit for more information and your local metro provider.
Gabrielle Condello (Inclusive Practice) and Tara Fairbrother (Careers)