From the Principal

Dear parents and carers, students and staff,
My thanks to everyone for all commitment and hard work this term. You can read all about the wonderful events and highlights of term 1 in this newsletter, including camps, awards nights, individual, team and whole school sporting events like the swimming carnival, celebrations like International Women’s Day and Harmony Week and engaging student experiences like Year 9 Urban Experience, Year 7 Belonging Day, the Year 10 Be Wise program and a host of student leadership opportunities.
In terms of student learning, it has been a very positive term. Feedback from VCE teachers is that students are focused and determined to do their best and across all year levels, students are working hard to improve and achieve. Years 7 and 9 students have just completed NAPLAN testing and once this data is available, it will be another measure we examine to continue to develop our curriculum and teaching practices.
It was pleasing to see so many families at this week’s parent-teacher-student interviews and I trust it was a great opportunity to receive both affirming and constructive feedback.
The term finished with a wonderful community focus on Live for Lily Day. The Live for Lily foundation was established to honour Lily Hester, daughter of staff member Mr Aaron Hester, and it dedicates all funds to research to find a cure for childhood cancer. Mr Hester and the Walklate Family (Mr A Walklate, Mr B Walklate & Mrs Walklate) are tackling the Vélo de Vic ( during the first week of the holidays as part of the annual fundraising efforts. We wish them luck!
I hope all in our community have a safe and enjoyable holiday.
Michael Keenan