Family Educator's 


Mrs. Janine Hannigan 

Family Educator

Gratitude In All Things

For many, Lent is a time of sacrifice. We give up our favourite food or drink. We try to break a habit or change some behaviour. 

We stop doing something. 

What if, instead of stopping, we were to START doing something? 

What if we were to start being consciously grateful every day? Everyday, no matter how  we felt. No matter how difficult times are. Would it make a difference? Yes! Yes, it would.


 “Let us not forget to thank: if we are bearers of gratitude, the world itself will become better, even if only a little bit, but that is enough to transmit a bit of hope. The world needs hope. And with gratitude, with this habit of saying thank you, we transmit into hope.” Pope Francis


LENTEN Prayer Station 


Over the past few weeks together we have found stillness through prayer. We prayed for gratitude in our daily lives. We also shared a beautiful Lenten reflection on making a difference in our lives and for others. Thank you to our Serviam leaders and other school leaders for leading us through reflection and prayer.  



Coffee and Connect 

I would like to invite the families from Kindy, Year 1 and Year 2  to join us for morning tea on the dates below at Flower Power Enfield. There is a café where you can purchase food and coffee. Just be aware the cafe doesn't allow split bills, please bring cash for your coffee and food. Mr Anderson and Mrs Scullion will also be joining us.


Dates are as follows:

Kindergarten - Friday  15th March  9:15am

Year 1 & 2 - Thursday 4th April 9:15am


Please RSVP to Janine Hannigan Family Educator

I look forward to enjoying a coffee with you and connecting as a community. 



St  Francis Xavier Playgroup




Over the past few weeks the playgroup children have enjoyed laughter, fun and making new friends. We all went on a big adventure, a Bear hunt ‘where not scared’!  We made some crazy hair styles using coloured beads. Wonderful skill matching colours.    



Arts and Crafts 

Combining art, religion and science learning about the Miracle of the Sun.  

Celebrating the feast day of St Franciso and St Jacinta Marto on the 20th February. 

The shepherd children who Our Lady appeared to in a field on Fatima. 


The children design a sun with a special prayer in the middle. Folding each ray of sunshine toward the middle. Then we placed them into a plate of water and we watched the miracle unfold.



Wellness Walk 

You are welcome to join me for a wellness walk around the local area. 

Let's slow down together, start the day with movement and enjoy the surrounding beauty. 


What a great way to start our Thursday; we will walk, chat, and have a coffee. Let's meet on the church steps at 9:00 am. Weather permitting. 

Term 1 dates: 

7th March 

14th March 

21st March 

28th March

4th April 

11th April  


Janine Hannigan

Family Educator 

Family and Faith