Assistant Principal's 


Ms Fiona Scullion

Assistant Principal 

What is SPBL?

SPBL stands for Schoolwide Positive Behaviours for Learning. 


At St Francis Xavier, we adopt a schoolwide approach for behaviour management and support for staff, students and their families. 

The system is designed and implemented using the following fundamental principles 


Views the system, setting or skill deficiency as the most likely source of problems



Adjusts current systems and settings to improve skills



Identifies and teaches replacement skills and builds relationships



Relies primarily on positive approaches



Has a goal of sustained results achieved over time



Is developed by a collaborative team


In re-establishing our SPBL system for 2024, our staff looked at 3 important areas

  1. How things are done at St Francis Xavier? How we support students
  2. How decisions are made - based on our collected data
  3. How we interact with our students and their families


Like home, schools need to be 

  • inclusive
  • respectful
  • have clear expectations 

Like home schools need to provide:

  • consistency 
  • clear boundaries. 
  • predictable, positive learning and teaching environments
  • positive adult and peer models
  • regular positive reinforcement
  • academic and social behaviour development and success


During Term One, students are given an SPBL focus for the week. Classes will discuss the focus and identify how it can be applied to their schooling day, including ways they can use this skill to be safe, respectful and responsible learners everyday. 

This week the whole school focus is 


“I Can Wear My Uniform With Pride”





Health lessons will also mirror our SPBL focus so students have the opportunity to explore concepts and practical examples. Our weekly merit awards and Character Strength awards will further support this system.


We hope that families can have regular discussions at home regarding our SPBL chart of expectations and behaviours. As a united team of parents and teachers, we can support our students to become the best versions of themselves.

The positive behaviours that children exhibit can have a significant impact on their development and shape their behaviours and attitudes as adults. 

At St Francis Xavier, we are here to support you as parents to build students who display empathy and kindness, resilience, curiosity and creativity, self discipline, confidence and independence everyday!