
New Bins
As a school we continue to be aware of what goes into our bins.
The 2023 Earthcare and Mangrove warriors identified plastic bottles and plastic juice cartoons as a waste that we as a school should recycle. We listened and each classroom now has a plastic yellow recycle bin. The more we can divert our waste from landfill the more our Earth will thank us.
Garden Club
Garden Club is up and running every Monday and Thursday.
This is where the children are able to explore and help looking after the chooks, our veggies and our new plants that we planted last year.
If you would like to help in the gardens aropund the school please let Mrs Taylor know. Many hands make light work!
Recycling News
The School Recycling Up will be closed for a couple of weeks, until our new leadership teams get it up and running again. Stay tunned to what we can recycle.
Just a note: Plastic bottle top recycling will be fazed out as the Mornington Shire accept bottle tops if they are attached to the bottle they came from.
Mornington Shire Recycling Trailer
Crib Point - 22 April - 12 May
The trailer will be at St Joe's on the above dates and collects e - waste (that fits in the trailer opening) and old bags, clothes and shoes that can not be donated to others.
We are very appreciative of the Mornington Shire to supply such a valuable service to stop e -waste and textiles going into our red landfill bins.