Making Someone's Day

MJR with Marty Ogle 

Making Someone's Day  | Make Jesus Real (MJR) with Marty Ogle at John Paul II


To start the year off in a positive fashion, we had Marty visit our classes. Here is a summary of his work with John Paul II.


What a privilege it was to recently work with staff and students sharing ideas about ‘Making Someone’s Day’, striving to bring JOY to those around us and making good choices. Sadly, many of the students shared that they back chat or talk back at home. We discussed how this can become a habit that creates hardship for parents and carers – AND I reminded them that parenting is a hard job! A few teachers stated that this habit is starting to creep into the classroom as well.


Many of the Prep to Year 2 children would have come home with ‘OK’ written on their hands – this is to remind them that when they are asked to help with a chore, stop gaming, going to bed etc that by getting into the habit of saying ‘Ok’ (with a smile), it can create a positive atmosphere at home. One dad told me the next day that he loved how his daughter kept on saying ‘Okay’ – with a smile when he asked her to do her chores. This is a much more desired response rather than answering back or saying ‘No!’ We also spoke to the upper primaries about ‘Choices’ and that everyone has choices and we must get into the habit of making GOOD decisions based on the values Jesus constantly taught and spoke about.


We spoke about ‘Spirit of Jesus’ moments that occur all around us – there are so many, we just have to look for them and name them up. Please ask your children about ‘THE MAGIC’ they can create because we had many magic moments during the two days. 


Finally, as a visitor, I must say how impressed I was with the listening and interaction of the students and John Paul II certainly has amazing staff that strive to bring out the best in your children.


Pictured: Prep students and Marty made a special visit to the school office and really made the office staff's day when they took the time to sing us a beautiful song. We felt very happy and cared for by our Prep students.




















God Bless 

Marty Ogle