Student Excellence

John Monash Mini Mathematicians
By: Timothy Choong and Justin Zhong
In 2023, 4 students from year 5 were chosen to participate in the John Monash Maths Program. Once there, the students took part in the program and were faced with a number of challenges that they had to overcome. While in John Monash, the students made companions with the older students spanning from level 10-11. After the class ended, everybody would go back to school at around 3:30pm.
Every fortnight, the students would go to John Monash and have a great time with the other students and learn new things ranging from Egyptian mathematics to linear algebra. This program expanded their knowledge and problem-solving skills along with being in a new environment. They had state of the art facilities to improve the learning environment and help the students grow and succeed.
John Monash Little Scientists
By: Zoe Evans
The John Monash Science School for little scientists was a fun program, run by year 10 students there, with three year 5s from our school, who visited every fortnight for four times, in Term 3, 2023.
Every 2 weeks, we focused on different things about science. The first visit was physics, the second was chemistry and the second last visit there was biology. On the very last time, the year 10s told us we were to do our own project about science, using one of those areas we’d looked into. Then all the different schools presented at a science night at the end of the term. Overall this was a great opportunity and great fun, though it does involve quite a bit of commitment to complete the final project.