Curriculum Matters

On Friday 1st March the Foundation students walked to Jells Park for our first excursion. This helped us get to know our friends better and create friendships between classes. The students loved the playground, especially the climbing area and the water play section. The students also enjoyed some organised activities. A huge thank you to the parents who gave up their time to help us on the day.
Level 1
Level 1 students have been exploring place value. They have been busy making place value shape monsters to demonstrate their knowledge of ones, tens and hundreds.
Level 2
The Level 2 students have started to learn about narrative writing. All students read the Dreamtime story ‘How the Birds Got Their Colours’ and created their own bird mask. Students worked in small groups across the cohort to rewrite the story in their own words and then performed their narrative to the Level 2 cohort. We loved seeing all the bright and beautiful masks that the students created and were very impressed with how well the students worked together to perform their stories.
Level 3 - Zoo Reflections
On Tuesday 27th February the Level 3 students had the opportunity to visit the Royal Melbourne Zoo. It was an exciting and educational experience for everyone. Students were able to observe and learn about a wide variety of animals, from African elephants to Australian koalas. The children also learnt firsthand from the zookeepers about how they care for and continuously challenge animals through cleverly designed enrichment devices. We explored how everything in an exhibit has been thoughtfully crafted to encourage animals to act and think in natural ways. It was a great opportunity to see these amazing creatures up close and personal. The whole excursion was a wonderful learning experience, and the students left with a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world. Thank you to all the parent helpers who assisted with the day.
On Tuesday the 27th of February Level Three went to the zoo. It was so much fun.
My group went to see the meercats and they were adorable and we got to see baby meercats. I absolutely loved the butterflies, they were so amazing. A HUGE one landed on my head, it was amazing! And I loved it!
By Georgie M 3M
Meerkats are one of my favourite animals that I saw at the zoo. The snow leopards are also one of my favourite animals. I also loved this secret play where I acted like a monkey - it was hilarious!
Grace B 3M
The meerkats were really cute and I wanted to hug them so badly. The spider monkeys were really funny because they were playing tag! At the zoo we went to the butterfly house and they were so pretty, but sadly none landed on me.
Sarah G 3M
Level 4
Students have started investigating their Term 1 Inquiry projects about the Southern Hemisphere. They have begun exploring what is the Southern Hemisphere, what countries and oceans are in the Southern Hemisphere and what the equator is.
The students have all been able to choose a topic that they are interested in, they then have had to link that topic to the Southern Hemisphere. They will then choose either a PowerPoint presentation or a poster for their final presentation at the end of the term. They have just started researching their topics. The students will be learning and building on their researching skills, paraphrasing, taking information for text, as well as presentation skills. We look forward to sharing some of the finished presentations with you.
For my southern hemisphere project, I’m researching food from southern hemisphere countries so far I think fish and chips are my favourite – Nathan 4C
I chose to my project to be about traditional dress of the southern hemisphere. New Zealand’s traditional dress is my favourite. – Mila 4C
I’m learning about singers from the southern hemisphere. I’m researching 6 singers all from Australia. – Abby 4V
I chose gymnasts of the southern hemisphere for my project. I chose this topic as I want to be a gymnast when I grow up. - Emily 4V
I have chosen to do my project on endangered animals in the southern hemisphere. I have learnt that a lot of the animals are not known to many people, and we need to work hard for them to be saved. Jesse 4B
Level 5
On behalf of Grade 5, we would like to thank the teachers and parents who guided us through our excursion to the city on Thursday 7th of March. We went to explore China Town and the Queen Victoria Market. In China Town we learnt about different cultural things and about different famous people. In the market, we got to spend time with our friends and look at really cool things.
China Town
Once we got off the bus, we got to meet our tour guides. They welcomed us with gum tree leaves and said “Wominjeka” which means ‘welcome’ in Indigenous language. We walked around the streets and learnt about old warehouses that were made in the Gold Rush era. We had a break after we finished our tour, where we ate our snack and tried some honey drops mixed with eucalyptus leaves. “I could only taste the leaves, they tasted funny,” said Scarlett.
Queen Victoria Market
At the market, we got split into 6 groups. In the market, we saw so many different cultural stalls. We saw crystals, necklaces, and bracelets all from different countries. There were so many different types of foods to try like Turkish Delight from Turkey. Each group was lucky enough to taste some delicious foods such as churros and gelato.
Thank you to everybody that was involved in this amazing excursion. All the grade 5 students really enjoyed it and we learnt lots of new things.
Xavier Woods and Scarlet Dwyer
Level 6
Design and Construction Boats
This year the Grade 6’s Term 1 inquiry topic is Design and Construction. We have been learning about the Titanic and how it sunk. We decided to design our own boats by using the engineer's process, building and testing them. It took a lot of trial and error, but after 3 long and hard days of building them, they were finally ready to be tested on the oval, and hopefully be seen floating in water. One by one different types of boats were getting tested with water surrounding them, also adding blocks to see if they would float.
Adila and Alana 6P
Titanic Excursion
On the 29th of February the Level 6’s travelled to the Melbourne Museum to see the Titanic Exhibition. It was a great experience for both teachers and students and any parent helpers that joined us. While being able to see the Titanic Exhibition, we also got to visit the Melbourne Stories and Dinosaurs exhibits. Many people enjoyed looking at all the real artefacts that were recovered from the actual Titanic. The exhibition also recreated the first-class and third-class cabins so we got to experience what the cabins were like. Everyone was given boarding passes with the names and details of the actual passengers that sailed on the Titanic. Overall, it was a great experience and definitely a tiring bus ride back.
Maddy and Em 6P