School News

Ride to School Day 

National Ride to School Day is on Friday the 22 of March 2024. Join more than 350,000 students across the nation who will ride, walk, scoot or skate to school . ’’In the 1970’s eight out of ten students walked or rode to school. That has dropped to two out of ten and many students are not active enough to stay healthy.’’


We will be meeting at the Jells Park south picnic area at 8:20am so that we can ride in two groups, Junior school and Senior school. Riding is a really fun way to stay fit and healthy with friends.

Students are welcome to ride from other locations, however please be aware of all safety requirements should be met and ideally parents should accompany the students.


We will be storing the Level 5 & 6 bikes near the gym, Level 3 & 4 bikes on the grassy area outside the staffroom and Foundation - Level 2 bikes in the bike shed.


Student leaders will be making a tally to see how many students are riding to school on the day.


Please join us to see for yourself how much fun riding to school can be or just ride to school!


Oscar (Environmental Captain) & Athan (School Captain)