
Waste Warriors

Waste Warriors

We are your Waste Warriors for Semester 1, 2024 and we care about the environment! As Waste Warriors, we are committed to developing sustainable action at school and inspiring others to be responsible members of the community. Some of the jobs we do include:

  • Feeding the worm farm weekly
  • Sorting organic and mixed recycling into council bins twice per week
  • Emptying the paper recycling
  • Checking bins for contamination and reporting back to classes
  • Educating the whole student community through assembly announcements and presentations
  • Checking and delivering community collection bucket items to eligible organisations

Next term we are excited to be heading to CERES for an excursion to learn about sustainable practices and how we can improve energy efficiency at Jells Park. We aim to come back and run a green event sharing our experience and learning with the rest of the students.

Working Bee 

Thank you to all the parents who assisted with our first Working Bee for the year last Friday.  It was a very good turn out and we had our jobs completed very quickly and efficiently. We moved 5 cubic meters of tanbark to our allocated garden beds and 3 cubic meters of sand to replenish our sandpits. We also managed to rake away many of the fallen leaves to clean up our pathways and playing areas. This will become more frequent as we head into Autumn and our beautiful courtyard trees begin to lose their leaves.


A special mention to the Sortino family and their connection with Donville Garden Centre who supplied and delivered the materials for this project.  Please think about supporting this business next time you need garden materials.


Our plan is to have a few of these Working Bee’s throughout the year on a Friday afternoon from 2:45-4:30pm. We will have another one on Friday 15 March to spread soft fall tanbark around our bars and fitness track equipment.