Important Dates 2024

Term 1



MondayMarch 11th

Labour Day Public Holiday



March 12th & 13th


Grade 3/4 Camp to Beechworth


TuesdayMarch 26th 

Easter Presentation 12pm in the Church 

All Welcome


WednesdayMarch 27th

Last day Term One for students 3.10pm finish


Project Compassion Easter Egg Raffle Draw


ThursdayMarch 28th

Pupil Free Day - Trauma Informed Practice


MondayApril 15th

Term Two commences at 8.55am


ThursdayApril 25th

ANZAC Day Public Holiday


2024 Health Care/Pension Card holders

If you have become eligible for either a Health Care card or Pension card since the end of 2023 (and it was current as at January 29th 2024) please contact Julie as soon as possible as there will be some additional paperwork that needs to be completed regarding your 2024 Fees/Levies.


2024 Fees/Levies

All families should have now received their statement showing your 2024 Fees/Levies and eligible credits.  If your child has not given you the statement please contact Julie and she'll provide you with another copy.  If you have any queries regarding your statement please contact the office.