From the Classroom

Grade 5/6H

Welcome to week 6! 


We are just over half way through Term One and it has been a hectic one in 5/6H.


During the 2nd week of term we headed to our Outdoor Education Camp at Borambola.   One of our main focuses for the camp was teamwork and what an amazing experience it was for all of us.  Not only did this camp provide us with some epic activities, it was also a great way for us to get to know one another.  


We have set ourselves up nicely in the hall and have made the space our own.  I have been impressed with how the students have adapted to our learning environment and settled in.  Here are some of our thoughts about the hall.


Matilda - I like us having our own quiet space to learn


Robbie - It’s not crowded inside and we have bubblers and toilets close by


Neve - It’s a big space and I like using the stage


Isaiah - It's quieter over here away from the other classrooms


5/6H  Weekly Timetable

Tuesday - Library & Sport 

Wednesday - Art

Thursday - Auslan & Music

Friday - 5/6H Sports


Each week two students are selected to organise and run our 5/6H sports session on Friday morning.  It has been wonderful to see how the students have risen to the challenge and engaged us in great sport sessions.


Daily Math Challenges will come home weekly.  These are not compulsory, however, students who choose to complete them will receive Dojo points as a reward for their efforts.  I have been impressed by the number of students who have participated.


Please do not hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo or, my email address is –  


Kate, Linda, Jen and Raff