Student Awards

The following awards will be handed out at this week's assembly, on Friday the 23rd of August at 3:00pm in the John Curtin Building (JCB).
FKH - Franklin M - for his amazing efforts at solving subtraction equations.
FKH - Violet J - for an incredible retell of "There's a Bear on my Chair" with lots of detail.
FSI - Mia P - for her impressive retell writing.
1/2CD - Adeline K-G - for amazing learning during our money unit.
1/2CD - Tanya B - for amazing learning during our money unit.
1/2TT - Bonnie C - for being sensational and engaged in learning.
1/2TT - Alfie Mc- for always working hard at his learning.
1/2VW - Lylah L - for great work in maths.
1/2VW - Nettles P - for fabulous work building models for inquiry.
5/6AB - Harrison C - for being an awesome helper in class and always using great manners.
5/6AB - Clio F - for excellent writing and great teamwork skills in class.
5/6AB - Mila K - for outstanding focus in all her learning and excellent reading to the class.
5/6GP - Lukas B - for a positive attitude to learning.